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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. :lol: I'll rest your case then. Anyway, it seems like Planet Galiawhatisname is
  2. So any new news on: - Macross Chronicle - MF official lineart book or something like that - Whether the VF-171 squad leader will make an appearance in the anime? - Tokyo Toy Show report (or leave that to the Toy section)
  3. Aren't you supposed to cheer for ?
  4. Its confirmed: Ok, good night everyone, looking for HD raw in the morning
  5. mms://waryas.ath.cx/live WM streaming
  6. mms://waryas.ath.cx/live Better streaming on WM
  7. Darn, no keyhole streaming tonight
  8. A Korean Macross MMORPG........just like Super Deformed Gundam Operation MMO.
  9. If they do that then some of our member will be in ICU unit due to massive blood loss.
  10. Creepy, I can see those-who-are-dead there
  11. Relax, epi.11 is coming tonight, you don't need to convert your allegiance into HG now. Now where's that yoshinol pic....
  12. Hmm, interesting, Brera faction seems like want to hide the truth about Vajra, so they could planning to assassinate Ranka. This is also make sense since Brera was reprimanded for saving their target.
  13. GunHead? Hmm, Interesting design. All I have is these:
  14. Few thing I noticed from movie adaptation from anime/games, few successful while other failed hard. I can accept the Transformer Movie, but I was very disappointed with Wing Commander movie (I will not mention UB work here or G Saviour). Live Action Robotech? First of all Robotech is a rip-off, making a movie from a rip-off is worse then making a remake However I will wait until they released an official trailer or at least some script of the movie, although I'm praying it will be sent into development hell for good.
  15. Darn, first Gundam Battle Universe, now Macross Ace Frontier, I really really need an additional job right now . As with the other Gundam Battle series, I hope the new Macross Ace series will have its own merit, like unlockables music, VF, FAST-Pack and vehicle (Macross Quarter veryone?). Hmm, I wonder if some of the mythical VF will make it to the game, like the Stampede and Orguss Valkyrie
  16. Yup, the normal episode is once in a week, the next two episode will be once in two week. Yeah, I know, I'm a bad boy....(whack self with tuna...)
  17. Looking at those Alto pic in that blog makes me thinking of changing Alto VA into a female voice, and then we have one of the best female pilot in MF
  18. You sure those are missile launchers? My eyes are telling me that those are frickin fridges stuffed with beers VF-25s FA is sure pack some firepower there, including those beam cannons. What about those two tubes sticking under the shoulder armor in fighter mode? Are those launchers or another beam cannon?
  19. So, there are no aircraft carrier transformer on this movie yet?
  20. Well, you can check MAHQ websites under anime/macross/macross 7 TV, they have all the episode review there. For a quick summary about Macross 7 :
  21. We need someone to translate those article A.S.A.P. I'm predicting they will have some customization to the valk unit just like Gundam Battle Chronicles, if they do this will rocks
  22. Yeah, I noticed that too Does this mean she gave up on Basara and started to chase after Sheryl?
  23. Wow, finally a Macross game for PSP, I wonder how many unit they're going to pu in there, I already saw several VF, power armors and a Regult. I wish they make several Mac II valk as unlockables
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