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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. I see there's no love for the Varauta mecha as well, maybe MW member got something against the color purple Varauta valk is pretty versatile I think, it got multiple weaponry ranging from compact buster cannon to spiritia sucker that makes other valk pilot high without drugs I demand that Yamato to make 1/60 Varauta valk.
  2. Well, sound energy is possible. Sound is an acoustic wave generated by certain vibration, and actually these acoustic wave can be used to generate electricity. By using certain materials (piezoelectric -> convert vibration to electric) these acoustic wave/vibration can be used to generate small amount of electricity. I guess Basara singing must be very loud in order to generate massive amount of power (acoustic wave -> vibration -> electricity -> light shows). Wanna real song energy? Try those opera house singer that can use his/her voice to break wine glasses, now that's a destructive sound weapon
  3. Hmm, I decide to pick all of them. VF-1 Valkyrie, VF-4 Lightning III, VA-3 Invader, VF-9 Cutlass, VF-11 Thunderbolt, VAB-2 Spirit, VF-14 Vampire, VF-3000 Crusader, VF-5000 VF-17 Nightmare, Neo Glaug, Variable Glaug, Pheyos Valkyrie, VF-19 Excalibur, VF-22 Sturmvogel, VB-6 Konig Monster, VF-171, VF-25 Messiah, VF-27, VF-XX, VF-2SS Valkyrie II, VF-2JA Icarus, Metal Siren, and VDW-1 Macross Quarter.
  4. Makes me wonder as well, Macross Galaxy is a totally different class with the rest of the New Macross Colony Ship, so whether it have a dedicated battle section or the entire ship is capable of transforming is unknown. Another thing that a ship is given Macross Designation: Capable to transform and have the BFG Macross Cannon.
  5. Well, Ozma loves riding bulky valkyrie (full armored VF-25), and Nanase is quite bulky IMHO
  6. Is that a new device for the VF-25? Where is this device located? Leg, arms? j/k
  7. There's a rumor circulating in 4chan about VF-29 in MacrossF, can someone confirm this? (Yes I know, *chan is bad for my health ) eidt: uploaded pic
  8. Then where did Gilliam got missiles when he jettisoned his FP in epi.1? He attack the Vajra in the city with at least 2 medium missiles.
  9. 12 second.....then BWAAAAA.....
  10. I saw carrot-Klan in 4chan, I forgot to save it Maybe the guys on animesuki have one.
  11. The high school drama mixed with terrorism/rebellion is making the plot blur at some point, since now the show basically cover both of them unlike the first season. With OTBK now became a full pledged army with its own flagship and army means Lulu must occasionally Episode 11. will make live much harder for Lulu now . I also wondered what will happen to Kallen now.
  12. My personal favourite valk is the VF-XX from Macross II, I like it slim yet aggressive design, too bad it appear doesn't have any gerwalk mode (official one). VF-2SSAP is another favorite design.
  13. Official site pre-open Macross Ace Frontier
  14. Princess Alto and the 7 giant
  15. Is that marriage or slavery?
  16. My cafein saturated brain AFAIK, Klan mention something about the 13th Zentran platoon in that colony (If my hearing is right), and also there's a glimpse of a bridge from Nupetiet class vessel. Wait....where's all the regult?
  17. If its made by Japanese, then yes, e.g. - Nodame Cantabile (well, its basically manga adaptation..) - Cutie Honey live action (I think so, since I never watch it...) If its made by Hollywood, no.
  18. I think Alto is well aware of Ranka's feeling toward him, and somehow makes him uneasy. However, sending Michael to as a messenger is just rude, he could just call her or probably he doesn't want her to know that she will be leaving with Sheryl again. Kudos to Michael, he didn't took an opportunity with Ranka while she's feeling down. Hmm, so far I can see that Michael and Nanase are worried about Alto x Ranka relationship while Luca is busy staring at Nanase
  19. After epi.11, I'm becoming more supportive to Ranka. Don't give up Ranka-chan, keep on trying untill epi.13 where the directors will give you a chance with Alto
  20. You forgot massive Itano circus gameplay (with some heavy lagging lol). Macross game is not a Macross wihtout Itano circus.
  21. I think that's the reason they release "All that VF", to satisfied hard-core mecha fan. BTW, will the VF-171 included on that program?
  22. Ok, so next week is on TBS right, thats mean Saturday morning in here, TBS air one day later after MBS right? I can implied that Alto = Ryusei Or maybe Isamu, since he also likes flying that he even neglected poor Myung.
  23. Just went to Animesuki forum, and dear god please tell me that this is not true: :ph34r:
  24. Where's the VF-25 goodies report? Or the tuna bun plushie report?
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