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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. Conspiracy theory #2874 - the DYRL movie was to cover up the fact they switched the real Macross on earth with a fake (I mean seriously, no Prometheus/Daedalus arms?!?!)

    Promotheus-Daedalus was destroyed/damaged beyond repair after Quamjin double suicide attack. It was rebuilt incorporating ARMD carriers for the arm in Flashback 2012.

    I agree with Duke Togo, WTF-1 is just a fanboy dream of 1:1 SDF-1 Macross kit which he left it on Galia 4 when his parent refuses him to buy a lake to place his oversize model.

  2. It makes perfect sense really, Ranka was just a sub system on a Fast pack booster when the Vajra came and the V-type infection turned her into a 1/4 zentran human hybrid that Ozma had to save now this his Fast packs are useless since part of them turned into a person.

    :huh: You mean 1/4 zentran 1/4 human 1/2 Fast Pack???

    Haven't watched the ep yet, but I'm betting next week's appearance of the SDF-1 will just be a flashback to Space War 1.


    Probably not SW1, since WTF-1 is accompanied by Guantanamo class carriers, probably just some history lesson about SDF-1 circa 1950s.

  3. And from the look of things at the end of this episode, his VF was in amazing condition after his rather bumpy crash landing. There was no visible damage to the plane other than the dirt that he picked up as he played pattycake with the ground. Apparently that armor on the VF-25 works REAL good. A modern plane that performed that kind of landing would have left pieces all over the landscape. Even his wings were still intact.

    VF are know to be crash-resistant.

    In Macross TV series, Hikaru VF-1D survives crashing through mutiple building.

    In Macross Plus, Isamu VF-11 somehow survive at a certain degere after being dragged in the desert floor.

  4. So the Zentran in Galia 4 have a warehouse fully stock with reaction warheads. And that Temjin guys want to equip their Q-Reas with the nukes. Knowing that Zentran have trouble with living in peace, they gave them access to reaction weaponary? :blink: So I think there's a bigger conspiracy here, with Galaxy missing, Vajra, and Agent Grace who seems to be the one behind the riot in Galia 4. Darn, Macross F is becoming more like X-Files with each episode. And Mr. Birla, where are you?

  5. Also, while I know music is part of Macross lore, I was really hoping to see Michael go in swinging....... Or at least use some sort of fairing on the speakers... Those things are aerodynamically offensive! :p


    Well, at least this confirmed that VF-25 can carry under wing ordinance like speake pods and missiles. I was hoping Michael Valk to dance along with Ranka singing, he's good at those kind of valk movement (refer to epi.9)


  6. For you no. In fact, everything you post must now be in spoiler tags. Just you and only you. :lol:

    Finally...as I said previously, I'll leave the appearance of SDF-1 to next week. That came outta nowhere so I don't even know how to respond to that.

    Darn....the mod have spoken...I'm doomed forever in this darkness. lol

    I think LAI will make Alto their chief mascot for increasing their VF-25 sales ^^.

    I just realized that the Zentran battleship have several cannon line up for broadside bombardment, interesting.

  7. They possibly

    got sick and tired of the high real estate costs of living on Earth and decided to move.

    Or probably they have enough of Macross-jack. SDF-1 has been hijacked twice, first by Sharon Apple and second by the roque UN Spacy during the VFX-2 event. This probably makes the higher up to decide to re-activate SDF-1 as fleet flagship and probably during that time the fold drives went berserk again and took the whole ship to Galia 4.

    So epi.13 is Golbal report, so I can assume that

    Alto and Ranka find the remains of the captain and his bridge bunny in the bridge


  8. Well as you pointed out to me some time ago, the Frontier is bigger than City 7, so it's highly probably that alot of the functions of the other ships are now done in Island 1 and it's connecting "islands."

    Frontier fleet is like Island 1 connected with several Island to form one gigantic "archipelago" colony ^_^. I also wondered about which island is used for heavy factory (manufacturing ships and VF). And I also noticed that the day/night cycle is still controlled by Island 1 dome, so I wonder if this is also for the rest of the island or they have a dedicated day/night cycle system.

    Another question:

    This is about colony ships, in UC Gundam the colony is using mirror reflection to "power" the colony life, giving day/night cycle, the sunlight is also crucial for the solar energy needed for life cycle. In Macross universe, we see that day/night cycle is controlled by the colony dome holographic projector including producing a holographic sun, the question is whether the system also capable of generating solar power as well?

    Now I need to excuse myself, need to dig up several grave for the catgirls that I just slaughtered :ph34r:

  9. Some random pic


    Looking at the pic:

    - The rogue zentran captured several reaction warheads and attached it to thie Q-reas

    - At the preview episode, looks like at one time the SDF-1 was resurected and led a fleet, notice the Guantanamo class and other unknown class ship at the pic.

    - The SDF-1 would be disappeared when its leading the fleet (maybe it fold drives went berserk again, this time taking the whole ship with it)

    - Since the capital of NUNS (SDF-1) is gone, that may explain the new structure of NUNS with Howard Glass as the president

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