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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. Enh, Brera's just showing off, demonstrating that he doesn't need them to decorate the sky with little pieces of Alto...

    Alto vs Brera, round 2 start.

    Alto already scored 1 in the first round now back with his VF-25, and looks like he got some help from his backseat co-pilot. I wish Alto didn't pull Isamu by ejecting her away during the dogfight. While Brera as predicted, is using the mysterious VF-27 with a new leg which Alto had blown up in Round 1.

    The stakes are on for round 2, who will win, Alto or Brera?


  2. I think its from here: something...

    Can we just accept that the WTF-1 is SDF-1 cameo in MF.... :huh:

    Its one of the Macross Universe rule that SDF-1 makes a cameo (and some part of it will blew up) in all Macross franchise, let see:

    - Macross II (Alternate Universe), fate: Vaporized by Ingus Mobile Fortress, leaving the holy floating bridge.

    - Macross Plus, fate : Hijacked by renegade AI Sharon Apple, bridge and Macross Broadcast System heavily damaged by YF-19.

    - Macross 7: Did it make a cameo here? :huh:

    - Macross VFX-2, fate: Hijacked by renegade UN SPACY/Critical Path Corp, Sound Jamming system on the bridge destroyed by player.

    - Macross Frontier, fate: under heavy speculation by MW members and re-classified as WTF-1. :lol:

  3. So Milly is up to her tricks again and the strange next ep preview from last week is finally revealed as Ninja Sayoko! :lol:

    But of course the highlight was the end of the episode...where:

    Jeremiah shows up with a GEASS CANCELLER supposedly to locate the Black Knight's SPs (Secret Police? Sleeping pieces?)

    Why I got a feeling that someone is going to bite the dust in the next episode....

  4. Slayer Revolution plotline from Anime News Network

    Plot Summary: Having lost the Sword of Light in the previous battle, Lina and Gourry continue their journey in search of a replacement weapon. On the way, the two of them meet up with Amelia and Zelgadis in the kingdom of Luvinagard while taunting some pirates. Lina is happy to reunite with her old friends, but appearing before her is Luvinagard's Inspector of the Special Investigative Unit; a man called Wizer. However, Lina is amazed at his unusual behavior...

    So my prediction is right, they're looking for Gourry Hiikari no ken replacement ^_^

    The show will air this week, can't wait.

  5. if they show global, then they might show the bridge bunnies, and... and...

    No! I REFUSE to see them aged!! :ph34r:

    They probably looks like a relic now ^_^ Global would be around 100 year if he's alive (I just noticed that Global is married in 2003 to a girl name Miho).

    So as if WTF-1 is indeed the original SDF-1, what would NUNS do then, considering the ship importance I'm expecting them to salvage the ship and restore it to its former glory. It's getting weirder, if the original SDF-1 is missing several years prior to MF, wouldn't the N.U.G. organized a massive search? I mean its like Paris suddenly lost its Eiffel tower or New York loosing the Liberty statue. :huh:

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