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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. There are no plan for season 3 to begin with, the producer promises to end everything on season 2 finale, that's why I'm expecting the pace will go faster in the next few episode.
  2. Yay, can't wait for the new OP-ED. Macross Chronicle will be out tomorrow, I'll get them as soon as I can.
  3. Nay, they just probably some angry Sharon Apple fanboy/girl from Eden who went crazy after they heard their beloved idol is blown to dust. That's why they created the Fairy Project, so other people will also feel the same lost/desperation after the Fairy Idol is consumed into Dimension eater/Vajra. Fanboy/girl plotting is the best plot ever, even better then the plot made by politicians/high ranking military
  4. There's plenty of SDF-1 prototype art in the Miyatake Design Work including a prototype of Battle-7 using City-7 like a turtle shell, yup attached to Battle-7 back.
  5. I prefer the Varauta variant....because its purple
  6. Something is out there... Last pic is for MisaForsaken, what have you done to her......
  7. I guess Basara needed war to express his singing capability, he want to be like Minmay right? He want to stop fighting/war by singing to show that he's capable of moving people heart (hell, even he want to move an entire mountain with his song). So when there's no war around, guess what's he's doing? Go to a planet with space whales and taking a bath with some lolis Luckily for us the whale poacher is there.
  8. Did someone mention that Grace is part Patroid? No wonder they rebelled, those poor patroid got no love
  9. I knew it: Old man -> Shoji Kawamori Middle-aged man -> Katsuyuki Konishi Young man -> Yuichi Nakamura Young girl -> Megumi Nakajima Their plotting to empty our wallet to ensure the survival of Macross series
  10. Which VF-19 is on VFX-2? I vote for that one.
  11. I see, I just want to know how's Geymark (neo zeon MS from ZZ TV) performance comparing to the Quebeleys, since in the TV the Geymark is equally powerful.
  12. Another scanlations of Slayer manga "Knight of the Aqua Lord" is online on onemanga. If some of you are following Slayers Revolution manga, tomorrow episode is probably the same as the 2nd volume of the manga
  13. Did they nerfed the Quebeleys on GBU?
  14. So now the Immortal Witch turn into an Immortal Slave huh. I quess the pace will get faster from now on, I'm expecting major conflict and characters got slaughtered soon. (where's that devil emoticon when you need one)
  15. Please don't spread bad rumors about my cult We need more member atm. Just finished Ender's Game now proceeding with His Dark Materials. Thanks for the Enders reference WolfX PS: I know about the scientology cult, but I already installed custom firewall to my brain.
  16. Where did you get that images from? I wonder if Quarter can operate in planetary condition using the 'gerwalk' mode.
  17. I hope KeyHole still available..
  18. I vote for ghost-X9 with Sharon Apple as the main AI, yeah listen to her song
  19. I never been there before, thanks for the tip, I'll look for them next time I went to Ebisu. For used books I usually got to Book Off, although English book is rare I once bought Harry Potter with hard cover for only 300 yen there. The books I ordered arrives yesterday evening and now I'm reading Ender's game, now its halfway to the final chapter.
  20. Megumi Nakajima singing seikan hikou? NicoVideo link
  21. We are the Galaxy... We will assimilite you and your colony and added to our collective... Resistance is futile....
  22. Songstress with their fan-valk
  23. Need translation of the last page, I wanted to know why the Konig Monster girl screaming why there's no Daedalus.
  24. GunBuster did teach us some lessons Can someone confirm this, from the Galaxy AI talking, I somehow catch that most of the Immigrant Fleet are cyborg based except Frontier, which makes the entire plot looks like Sky Net vs Humanity with Vajra replacing the terminators.
  25. Hey at least he still got tentacles, and many people know that tentacles is 'friendly' with most girls
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