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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Finally Xellos appeared and the plot started. somehow this series can only be followed by hardcore fans, unless Gourry starting to ask question again to explain the Slayers background.
  2. Isn't that obvious? That's part of her Armoured pack, just wait until she unleashed Itano circus at Luca. I heard somewhere that Sheryl are supposed to due due to her illness.
  3. That would be interesting if Galaxy NMC is sitting on top of it. Need higher resolution to see it more clearly since I can only recognized the bridge.
  4. Time to upgrade my computer.....again......
  5. Hmm, I watched the intro in youtube, and my first impression is another Aika on the making. I quess only MisaForever could survive such massive fanservice
  6. I don't know why you guys are fussing about Klan eating seven colored carrots I'll say that Ranka is like FIX, Cathy is HGUC, Sheyl is MG, Nanase is PG, and Klan as a Jumbo Grade. I'ts time for my medication I think.......
  7. I say unmanned drone weapon is far better then starfighter. Drones could be used as a multi-role craft, as an attack craft fitted with weapons or as simple kinetic kill vehicle (ramming enemy). Starfighter IMO is expensive and unreliable since there are plenty of things needed like pilot training, protection from radiation etc, inertial damper to prevent the pilot juicing himself during high-G maneuvers, etc.
  8. Wow, that's a nice Quarter pic with purple Sheryl. Who's that chick on the pilot suit? j/k
  9. Macross without love triangle is like watching Gundam without colony drop. Its always exciting when that happen and fan love to speculate how the love triangle resolved. If you want Macross with no love story, try playing the game (VFX-and VFX-2), it got solid mecha action and story.
  10. ---Preparing sacrifical catgirls---- Like speaker gunpods? I know about HE and AP munition, what is ESA anyway? Its probably worked the same as AP munition or its mixed both AP and HE? Idk if this is canon, in VFX-2, the VF-22 are using beam gun pod with slower fire rate compare to the normal gunpod.
  11. Talking about remakes and anime movies....where is my new Gatchaman movie?
  12. In other word, Sheryl is Sharon Apple ver. 2.0 Organic-Beta release.
  13. Enough with talk, star posting pics Darn, I just realized that some1 have deleted my "Misa" folder on my HD.
  14. I say the one who's going to die is Grace, then Grace again, followed by Grace and more Grace will follow. I'm holding a pineapple salad and steak party tomorrows evening, who's comin?
  15. OOT. Thats true, too many people here are trying to be 'kawaii' for sure, including most young men recently tried to being an 'Ikemen'. Trust me, it hurt my eyes for watching Japanese TV shows these days. Back to topic. The only VF-27 in the show is currently Brera, also we never introduced of the CF VF-25 pilots (including the VF-171 diamond sqadron pilots T.T). I think MF series cast is already full and I doubt they'll introduce a new character.
  16. Some people posted macro Klan, and now here's Macross Klan.
  17. The new version of Aimo is awesome, it got a ruthless militaristic theme in it and if the GG translation is correct this could be used for futher war propaganda. Kinda ironic since the original Aimo is gentle and peaceful, Poor Ranka, her lovely lullaby is turn into a massacre song.
  18. You mean Grace version of "Information High"? I want to hear Megumi version of "Runner" and May'N version of "Planet Dance".
  19. What she need is more character development, not just shower scene you pervert I bet there's plenty of Cathy on the next episode if she prepared a salad thingy
  20. And now the next generation of Ghost are Luca's pet.
  21. Totally agree with you, besides I need more time to collect the money So since this is released by Bandai, I assumed it will be a snap-kit (no glue?) with some colored part. (Ok, I had to read all the post on this thread so probably I miss some information or two, so here's some raw Tuna to smack my head with...)
  22. Geez, you make all of us jealous In my last birthday, my wife makes me a cake with Gundam decorations on it, in fact all these years she keep thinking that I'm a hardcore Gundam fans Maybe got something to do with all the Gunpla in my room after we got married
  23. Anyone managed to rip the new version of Aimo from epi.16? I want that song.
  24. During the battle I'm wondering why they didn't started by using Macross Cannon, a single hit from that BFG would vaporize the nest instantly. I refer to epi.14 battle where multiple nukes are required to destroy Vajra Gunship while Quarter only need one solid hit.
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