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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. You mean they became Protodeviln? My wild speculation: During their journey, they stumbled upon ASS-2 (The one they encountered during the satellite factory capture operation), this time they sent a team to investigate only to trigger another bobby trap, and the bobby trap is a dimensional eater. There you go, they did ascended to higher plane of existence.
  2. Maybe we can called it "Mini Macross Cannon" since the BFG itself is called Heavy Quantum Reaction Cannon. Hmm, does this mean the VF-25s will get a new beam weapon?
  3. Sharon concert utilize light shows and music manipulated such way that it directly manipulated human brainwaves. This is indicated in Eden during the press conference that such technique could be consider as narcotics (putting human/zentran into trance/addiction). I think the extent of the brain manipulation is limited by the crew during normal concert, however during Earth concert Sharon has gain full sentience and took control MBS (Macross Broadcast System) which mean it got total control of Macross City and the defense system. By using the tool she put the entire Earth population on trance by her music and light/holographic show. But still this doesn't explain how she control the guards to attack Myung and control the tentacles...I mean cables which captured Myung.
  4. I want a threesome ending, and Alto will be the most happiest people in the Galaxy.......
  5. YOU WILL BUY ALL MACROSS MERCHANDISE.... Chronicles does appeal me since they covered Macross II (character and mecha), I wonder if Zero will get an proper artbook since I kinda feel the show is underrated.
  6. According to the spoiler
  7. Shinkinrou, I think Lelouch Geass it to think itself as a human not a knightmare What is operation Ragnarok anyway? The emperor seems to started it as Japan Invasion begin. WHy they kept hanging Cornelia 1 handed to the ceiling......
  8. Certain VF-25 have PPB called 'character shield', while the frigates from epi.1 got 'cannon fodder shield' type PPB.
  9. Make sure he's listening to Fire Bomber, or the real pineapple curse will come
  10. Darn, Knight of One is awesome I'll start the countdown until Freya is detonated.
  11. But Viper lack the personality which is KITT. I'm more interested in KITT personality as a car compare to a high-tech-full-metal-jacket car with human driver.
  12. Hmm, since Ozma survived, who's going to be vaporized by an overloading barrier next episode? I hope its Luca...or one of his Ghosts.
  13. Soon it will be listed in Macross Chronicles
  14. There's still no pic on the epi.18 preview, just "in printing" images, are they teasing us again as something important is bound to happen.
  15. Ranka used train during Sheryl first concert, as for the farewell concert, the distance shown between her and the concert hall is just for dramatic effect, also to show the fleet folding away in the distance. A far better explanation is that she need a valkyrie for transportation, she's a FAST pack after all
  16. This one will fit with Kronnang avatar
  17. I think that's because the reaction weapon was detonated in atmosphere, which mean shockwaves and heat from the blast (which are more devastating). There also some radiation fall out from the remaining of the blast. Another explanation is the reaction warheads at that time has not been perfected yet hence the rediation.
  18. Alto Saotome, pilot wannabe Kabuki player which loves Enka........and folding paper planes.
  19. OMG, thats scary, and its wear sweater too.....
  20. Are you talking about "Band of Destroids"?
  21. OOT For MisaForever It started here. For KlanForever Remember when Ranka had a flashback of her brother they alway showing a Vajra hugging an object which suspiciously looks laike a FAST pack tied together , hence Ranka's brother= FAST pack -> Ranka = half FAST pack BTW, you two are the same person right?
  22. Basara seconded by Isamu
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