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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. I let it R.I.P. in my binders......
  2. So, with all the GN drive used by the current Gundams, what powered Archer and 0-Gundam? The fake Tau drive?
  3. I think its from a game, the Daedalus II are designed for performing Daedalus attack on Zentraedi warship. I think I first saw it on Raycommi website.
  4. Don't worry about all-you-can-edit Wikipedia articles, we still have the Compendium and Mr.March M3.
  5. One thing I learn from the Internet: They will steal everything you put into it.
  6. There's still plenty of room there
  7. I see thread being derailed from topic.
  8. I want to ride Major Kusanagi from Ghost in the shell. What, she's a mecha right? Why are you guys looking at me?
  9. Mass produced Bring -> Innovator Red Shirt I wonder what kind of grunt unit those clones will used......GN drive Balls? Crossing finger for next episode for this scene BTW, Kataron flags were equipped with rail guns right? That explains why they can shoot through the anti-beam cloud. I just realized the biggest weakness in CB mobile suits are they depend too much on GN particle powered weapons.
  10. Wow, seeing those scales especially the size of the Factory Satellite makes me wonder, does those factory also mass produced mobile fortress which could mass produced zentraedi fleets? If Char is in Macross Universe, he would happy to see the Factory Satellite and make a "factory drop" which will destroy Earth instantly. So based on "Anon" chart: - Biggest space faring vessel -> Island Cluster type ultra-long-distance colony ship. - Biggest space installation -> Protoculture factory satellite
  11. Hmm, makes me wonder, can a VF engines goes into critical and went KABOOM reaction nuke style?
  12. 2013? Will the archive survive the incoming Zentraedi holocaust?
  13. 00 2nd season lacks Prince Ali So what about the rivalry in the series now, so far I guess these kind of rivalry: - Graham vs Setsuna - LockOn vs Revive - Soma/Marie vs Andrei - Tieria vs Ali - Saji vs Louise - All vs ??
  14. lol, same here, I'm having difficulties in reading a hand-written Kanji.
  15. So...what does the "special message" said?
  16. Officially need blood transfusion....
  17. Wow....now must stop my nosebleeding....
  18. Whats up with Star Trek and exploding bridge consoles...... The new trailer is good, if I want to watch it I must pretend I never watch Star Trek before.
  19. Kiva reminds me of someone......a certain person who use a huge robot with a titanic sword who always said "I am Zengar, ZENGAR ZOMBOLT! The Sword That Cleaves Evil!"
  20. It will cut wardrobe cost by half.
  21. Comparing things between different shows is always difficult, because each show was set on its own Universe so we can not directly compared the technology advantage of each show. A Death Star in Macross Universe will be destroyed in a few second with a valk performing M3 into its main reactor or a Macross Class with its Macross attack. A Macross class ship in Star Wars Universe will go down in few second under ion and turbolaser bombardment of a Star Destroyer class ship, also some spacecraft may find itself on a collision course toward the Macross exposed bridge. However Chuck Norris will own all Universe.
  22. I remember working for the Near-Earth-Object (NEO) assessment group back in 2001 when I was a delegate fro UN Space Generation Forum (SGF) in Vienna, our group was working on a proposal to detect and catalog all the NEOs that were coming to Earth including a Space Defense Initiative program, back then I was jokingly said that we need a Grand Cannon to stop all those asteroid , too bad the rest of the member never watch Macross or Robotech so their reaction was "What canyon?". Nevertheless, our work was accepted by the committe and included in the 2001 Vienna Charter.
  23. I'm just glad that you are not part of Macross production staff........
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