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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. I prefer Saratoga. It got a frickin Konig Monster on it Altought I could also choose Valhalla III since Miho is on boad
  2. Hey a Macross Cannon need to split up first and charge right? Battle Frontier is probably the best NMC currently in service, I say Battle Frontier > Battle-13 > Battle-7. And only Kawamori knows what Battle Galaxy will look like.
  3. Are you trying to say that all those red lobster are the Vajra Basara's? Well, it did give a culture shock by vaporizing a warship single handily and making a human juice out of Gilliam. I also wonder if they will show us Battle Galaxy, it must be more menacing due to the nature of Galaxy Fleet. So, in Macross Frontier alone, we already been treated with: - SDF-1 Macross class - New Macross class (Battle frontier, and probably Battle Galaxy) - Macross Quarter class And who said we can't have enough Macross in one series?
  4. Lion is good, although the opening sequence makes me think the show is now entirely dedicated to Sheryl and Ranka with some mecha porn . I think its good for a 2nd opening, btw did we ever saw 2nd opening for the other Macross shows?
  5. Cool, thanks Whispo
  6. Yup
  7. Just the potrusion or the entire gunship? I think the gunship alone is roughly the same as Quarter. About the "Noam" thing, don't you guys see that those are ** pirated/bootlegs of Sheryls CD? Which side is Luca on anyway, he's been with Leon all this time not to mention giving him a battle plan. On another note, I think Nanase x Brera as a couple will do nicely.
  8. They did mention over 30 PPB, but I doubt that's for Battle Frontier alone it could be for the entire Island cluster. If is for Battle Frontier alone, I think the repulsive/full barrier system is much more efficient compare using 30 PPB (Not to mention there will be over 30 PPB girls screaming hysterically during action......wait...thats a good thing ^^).
  9. and me, does that makes me a Vajra
  10. not that one, the one during her real live concert when she's dancing in the front of the crowd using the weird costume (episode 17, just before Ozma "fake" death)
  11. All scenes where Ranka is dancing I'll get the exact timing later.
  12. Battle Frontier and Super Deformed Macross Quarter
  13. So Konig Monster became Ranka personal valk, I want Sheryl to have the same treatment, give her full armored VF-25 'Sheryl Special'
  14. The best way to get rid of Grace is to download her and the other AI into an I-POD.
  15. OMG Vajra rush
  16. lol at Ranka trying to interviewing macro Klan Macross need more 4koma like this.
  17. I need sub quick, plenty things were revealed on this episode and I can only understand few of them. . I can sense Sheryl fanbase will increase by ten fold because of this episode. BTW,
  18. Not to mention the lineart of BreastFighter from the "making" sheet.
  19. I think its better than saying that she's the large speaker pod itself
  20. The SSN valkyrie........ They don't have any stat
  21. Wow, so Clash of the Titans coming soon I see
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