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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. "Where is my aspirin" is more likely, since I need one right now
  2. So only Kawamori now what happened to the trio, he is the God in Macross Universe after all. And about the black hole the Megaroad supposed to investigate, maybe they got stuck in the event horizon and frozen in time just like Gene Rodenberrys Andromeda, so there's still hope to see them back .
  3. Deculture Awesome job.
  4. Macross Frontier Cards: 種類数 全90種 (GalaxySPカード3種、SPカード12種、 ノーマルカード75種) 発売日 2008年9月下旬予定 価格 1パック420円(税込) / 1パックカード10枚入り 発売元 株式会社バンダイ(カード事業部)
  5. Few people noticed that Battle Galaxy may lay on top of Macross Galaxy, there are screenshot of it in the old thread.
  6. Some people including me feels that the current art is too bright for a Diablo series.
  7. Oh yeah, I forgot that one when City-7 was hijacked Its interesting if the cluster could separate and each of the island became a space colony UC style.
  8. Ugh....my eyes...and that's the fifth time this month alone I must replaced my poor eyes Someone need to counter it with a petit-cute-chibi-Klan
  9. Well for a Ryusei-type, I would choose episode 7 with Quarter in Action
  10. But the problem is the island doesn't have a control unit (command section or whatsoever), it seems like the entire island is controlled by Battle Frontier. In New Macross Colony ship, each of the habitat ship got it own command ship. Besides we haven't seen whether the island could be independent when its separated from the cluster.
  11. When Sivil possessed Akiko trying to seduce Ray, her asset almost spilled out . Wait, thats M7. In MF, hmm, let see, probably I choose the locker scene.
  12. They will show it, and it will dance in Ranka style
  13. True, advance technology will determine how warfare is going to be done. If any of you had played Galaxy Angel, the Angel Frame is basically a fighter equipped with battleships weapon and combine with advance technology such as shielding and HALO system, it could easily defeat a fleet of battleships. Maybe we can also learn from history, at first battleships and cruisers rule the sea with airplane serving as a scout, but later during WW II, airplane started to be armed with bombs and torpedoes which could easily sunk a battleship than a direct bombardment. Further technology such as jet engine, missiles, radar and construction made airplane and the aircraft carrier much more superior and ending the battleship era. Its just like a a counter game with each newly discovered technology: - airplane with bombs, torpedoes > battleship/cruiser armor and guns - radar technology and AA missiles (eg, AEGIS cruisers) > fighter/bomber plane - Stealth technology > detection system and warning
  14. Let see some changes now.
  15. Hmm, what if Sheryl original blood was replaced by Mao 'Alpha Bombay' blood, and the new Sheryl was given name Sheryl Nome since part of the Nome characteristic is in her. And most people doesn't know about Nome family name until the movie 'Tori no Hito' was released in Frontier.
  16. Ehem, reaction weaponary, not reflex . AFAIK there are several fleet that went missing/destroyed, the first one is the famous Megaroad (missing), and then there's New-Macross 5 (destroyed), Megaroad-13 (destroyed/assimilated into Varauta), the 117th research fleet (destroyed) and Macross Galaxy fleet (missing). You could be right that Megaroad 1 could be safe and found a sanctuary world to ensure mankind survival just in case another protoculture scale conflict occurs again. About Macross Frontier settiling on a planet, I wonder if those island cluster could actually enters atmosphere without breaking up
  17. I think she better end up with Basara
  18. Well anyway, Kallen the Vampire Slayer is back
  19. Jun, where is she?
  20. That's from Macross Chronicle 2 which is out last week (7 August), the next volume will be on 21 August and it will covering VF-5000 and Ranka (maybe we got more spoiler about her).
  21. Well, valkyrie girlfriend is a FAST pack UMA -> Unidentified Mysterious Animal .
  22. This pool is for the non-transforming carrier from the game^_^
  23. - Destroid monster piloted by old geezer from Mac 7 - Bicycle Hikaru from SDF:M and some that I didn't recall right now
  24. And on each of SherylOS there's a Grace worm that will spy on your dairy life
  25. Quality of the ship is directly proportional to the bridge bunnies
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