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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. BSG battles are mostly close ranged with missiles thrown off in between. However Babylon 5 battle had similiar style to general anime (laser/beam spamming at long range). The point is that battles are naval warfare and fought at distances (unlike ST). Seeing the Mimbari warcruisers spamming beam fire is just like watching Zentraedi ships. Also the new fold effect is vaguely similar to B5 jump gates. . Not to mention the main cannon of Victory is a tribute to Yamato Cannon (on which macross cannon is based).
  2. Several scene in Macross are good for laugh, but for me, the best laugh I got is from reading this forum. Watching people reaction after a certain episode aired was priceless, like when DT goes WTF in episode 12. Also when MisaForever keep asking why Ranka is part FAST pack is genuine lol
  3. Hmmm, so the real server is onboard the real ASS-1 which crash to Earth around that time.
  4. Is gg the only fast subber at this time?
  5. Larger brain for storing p***, just take a look at Exedore, he got XXXXXL size head, I bet he decided that way after seeing the p*** shop in Macross I wonder if there's any micloning/macroning accident, like only half of your body is rebuilt (like the transporter freak accident from ST or spaceballs)
  6. I think I better prepare a pineapple salad for dinner next Thursday and see who took the first bite
  7. You mean the Big Zams? They are watching their Little Queen concert
  8. Kitsune (Fox) girls off course
  9. Same here, back in my day, APES can't sing a single song
  10. Some people from Animesuki said that
  11. What if they change Murphy into a hot chick, just like what they did to Starbuck in BSG? Robocop Chick....hmmmm not good enough.
  12. I just read it from Wikipedia. Anakin have a Padawan? C'mon Anakin never became a Jedi Master, how he could receive a Padawan? I don't think this will fit with the rest of the original star wars trilogy. Clone war movie would be better if the main cast is not included in the story IMO.
  13. Found the entry on the compendium, that's the Northrom [& Grumman/Mikoyan] VAB-2. So UN-Spacy did have a variable Bomber before VB-6 Konig Monster. It looks like Kawamori was inspired by B2-Spirit for the design.
  14. Can I know the source of that since I failed to find one in the compendium.
  15. I think Ranka was dreaming about her mother, and epi.14 show us that the Vajra Queen communicate to Ranka by using Ranshee image, which makes me think that Vajra Queen template is Ranshee. Ai-kun left Ranka because I think ai kun will evolve, and need some isolate place to transform himself into a Big-Zam. Makes me wonder if Ai-kun became a fully grown Lobster, will Aiku-kun protect Ranka or devour her instead.
  16. That's the fun of speculating I think in the end, Sheryl and Ranka song will not safe Frontier, Alto will, with his Enka song and Sakura Hime costume I bet he's going to do duet with Mr.Tokugawa singing "Kyoudai sen"
  17. Same here, Ranka version is better, however her version Diamond Crevasse is just went off, Sheryl is better for this one. I think there are several song that is suitable for each of them. IMO, Sheryl voice is similliar like Basara while Ranka's is Minmay. BTW, is there a Sheryl version of "Ninjin loves you"?
  18. Hmm, I was planning to take my wife to the theater to watch this show, but is it really worth it?
  19. I don't know much about the remake or re-imagine policy, some went good (like Batman Begins and BSG) and some will probably fail. Maybe the same thing like when they reboot James Bond franchise (I prefer Sean Connery style, not Daniel Craig style). I guess thats the horror we oldtimer must faced But I do agree with MisaForever on the remake thingy, Robot Jox must return with full CGI glory
  20. Oh, I see, funny that I don't remember those teal VF-17D But isn't that just a color variation, since there's barely any upgrade on those VF-17s, unlike Brando crimson/purple VF-17S in VFX-2 which is equipped with a jamming system. Btw, talking about VFX, does the Pheyos Valkyrie differs then the Varauta bomber? The Pheyos is developed from VF-11X mixed with zentreadi technology, does the Varauta using the same design for their bomber?
  21. Just like I said earlier on this thread. Well at least I'm glad this thread is not reduce into flame war between Sheryl-fan and Ranka-fan like the other thread
  22. IIRC, I was humming battle version Aimo on the train. Luckily there's no Vajra around.
  23. Contributing to the CatGirl massacre.... Galactica are using flak cannon as an AA defense, and AFAIK is one of the best AA weapon. SDF-1 and other capital ship on Macross mostly relies on its VF squadron and Destroid for cover, although the massive AA gun emplacement on SDF-1 after 2012 could do a better job comparable to a flak barrage. But then again, BSG is a war drama while Macross is mostly an opera soap love drama
  24. What's MDE? Mini Dimension Eater? I haven't watch the subs yet, but is there any reason why Leon would stage a coup, does it related with Galaxy?
  25. Almost all the spoilers became true, so this mean we will see .
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