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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. HG curse? Anyway, just downloaded epi.3 to 5, going to watch it tonight.
  2. Looks like 'mine warfare' from Seikai series, where they utilize mines (aka anti-matter guided missiles) which can 'fold' into bubble space and attack the enemy fleet there.
  3. He he, he's writing for an RPG so I guess its kinda fine. At least I can see little threat to the catgirls. If they can resize organics, they must also capable of resizing non-organic (less complex than organics), which mean all the regults could be fabricated from 1/144 toyline OOT Regarding resizing atom/cell, there's a good fiction based on Homeworld universe on how Phased_disassembler_array works by arranging atoms
  4. A pic could mean a thousand words...and that pic alone tells the saga of Michel
  5. WTH is that thing...did SONY invented a HARO ?
  6. Been digging the old forum, and finally found one This is MW treasure. edit: removed the second pic of Millia and Yoshinol since kinda NSFW
  7. Anyone remember the fanart pic that were done by WM member here (I think it was done by Vostok 7 or Beware of Blast) which depicts various Macross girls character like in this thread : http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...;f=5&t=1052 Also after digging the old forum I found this classic:
  8. Which song is that? Anyway, Sharon wants some attention by resurrecting the Macross ma ha shutai e tuby e tuby e tu shuutei a no en tuby ma ha shutai e tuby e tuby e tu shuutei a no en tuby a sai, do mi no steikun halish di zi e a di shuta dia (a di shuta dia) la dia (la dia) zhan who
  9. Nyan Toransuformation? Nyan Toraburu? Is it Tora as in "Tiger" ? Can't wait for the track listing. I hope its an entirely different than OST. 1.
  10. Wow, space-folding Lobsters
  11. Well, now we have a MESSIAH escorted by space NUNS waging a holy crusade against giant red lobster and heretics from Galaxy. History does repeat. Now if only Kawamori decides to name VF-171 as CRUSADERS and VF-27 as TEMPLARS, it would fit perfectly. . BTW, I recall someone posted a pic where space nuns fighting against a space red devil, did someone manage to save it? ---caffeine overdose---
  12. There's only Gilliam with two other person there, no Cathy nor Ozma Also based on Ozma flashback in "Good Bye Sister", Ozma started dating Cathy after she enlist in NUNS, which mean she's already entered 'mature' age.
  13. I was lurking on your site and LMAO when I found this one :
  14. One of the Big Zam vajra will commandeer it and used it to kidnap Ranka, transform into Battroid and climbed the highest tower on Island-1 while Alto and co chase it in EX-gear.
  15. Timothy Zhan book trilogy, one of the best SW novel after RoTJ.
  16. MF so far have covered music/song from SDF:M and M7, I wonder if we get more homage from M:Plus or M:II. IIRC several M:II song are used in M7, the Jamming Birds squad are singing Wendy's "Riding My Valkyrie" and there's a music group on a casino ship which are singing "Banana Moon Love".
  17. Ok, you started it: -> Gilliam On a Can -> Galaxy Of Conspiracy
  18. Hmm, Kallen, Klan, Miku and C.C.
  19. Hmm, two MF books, the Official File got lineart vibe all over it, but I better wait for official confirmation.
  20. Err, too much time at hand? Working on a thesis? Or just bored waiting for next episode of MF. Anyway....
  21. Reviving the Nyan dance
  22. Some guy at 4-chan make a size comparison chart for all the Macross class. Looks like quarter could sit on Battle-7 shoulder and becoming a shoulder pet BTW, Quarter Macross cannon only fires a single energy bolt instead of continuous beam, so I want to name it Macross Shotgun/Rifle
  23. Well, a protodevlin could withstand a direct hit from a fully charged Macross Cannon in M7, if the Vajra could do the same then Frontier is totally screwed without help from Minmay attack (Basara or Ranka)
  24. Hmm, judging the people reaction here, I think I better wait for a DL version, and just went for the action scenes.
  25. I appreciate their effort in subbing, it just the number of subber went down in a short time. I think it got something to do with summer (vacation and stuff). However general popularity also affected by how fast a sub came out, like when one of my friend saw a sub for certain anime came out less than 12 hours he said "hey thats pretty quick, must be popular, let me see em" ^^. Well I still have the patience to wait for quality sub (since my PC doesn't like mkv) PS: Luckily I know Japanese a bit, so I could understand 50-60% of the episode.
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