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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Thats the date for the Macross F Galaxy final concert to celebrate the ending of Macross Frontier. Nope, I don't think they will extend MF, nor a second season.
  2. -points at Xeros avatar- Where did you get that from? -look at Whispo...- Well, Klan may go berserk next episode, but still I hope she survive until the end(If MF kills all the Meltran/Zentran character, that would be lame, remember the 131st marine?)
  3. I could imagine the fan uproar on the deaths on this episode. random fan 1# "Noooooo, Michel.....T.T" random fan 2# "Michel......" random fan 3# "President Glass is dead too you know, anyone mourn for him?" random fan 4# "Michel, noooooo......wait...what president?" So now Leon got total control of Frontier, I wonder what he will do next. Besides I positively heard Grace said that the Vajra sudden invasion is not planned at all and it would ruin her actual plan if Frontier sunk at this time. So many fans blaming Ranka for Michel death, well Ranka had her part in summoning the Vajra to overrun Frontier, but she doesn't know the fact that her emotions is directly related with the Vajra behavior. Poor Ranka, you are truly destined to became the Queen Bitch of the Galaxy with your own Vajra Hive. BTW, I wonder why Alto keep firing his handgun on top of Mihoshi and not getting devoured by the Vajra, bigger gun -> more reason for Vajra to attack?
  4. I wish the destroids are armed with bug sprayer
  5. WARNING: click it with your own risk, you have been warned. PS: Gasoline and rusty shovel is available to purify your eyes. You have been warned!
  6. Manly tears indeed T.T This episode is probably the darkest episode in Macross history.
  7. They are Destroid, its their fate. If they make destroid uber powered, we got BattleTech instead
  8. Awaiting HD raws in the morning, good night all
  9. Azrael, could you change the pools option now?
  10. I'm watching it and eating pineapple salad now.....
  11. MBS stream failed me (aka slideshow) using keyhole now
  12. Next issue is about YF-21, Hikaru Racer plane, Guld and Eden. I forgot the rest
  13. Great. Ranka's fan ranging from hard core Otaku, man-faye also including Vajra's. Now I need to wash my eyes with gasoline and purify it.
  14. VF-27 and Vajra http://superrobotwar.files.wordpress.com/2...otnewsmaf81.jpg
  15. Kaifun is more hated than Grace I think. You have to admit it guys, you love Grace when she's being reconstructed in the test tube aren't you For fangirls, too bad we never saw Kaifun reconstructed on the same tube
  16. Hmm, good at low resolution, but the beauty disappears at higher resolution, I think I just keeo the avatar size one Btw, did I ruin it again SkullLeaderVF-X?
  17. I don't think the lobsters will be able to develop enough resistance to a Macross Cannon scale weapon Sure the Vajra develop resistance to ESA ammunition and reaction weapon due to being repeatedly hit (and blown) by it, and Brera said that Vajra transmit this information to the main hive so the next generation could adapt to it. Even it manage to develop some resistance to Macross Cannon (dimensional based weapon), I don't think it could last long enough. Besides armor resistance =/= immunity. However I think the Vajra Gunship could develop enough resistance and armor to directly challenge Quarter or Battle Frontier head on. Ok, now I need to count how many catgirls I killed today, hopefully none.
  18. Probably the same reason why they didn't grow cows and hippocows by using mass cloning, people want their meat and dairy product fresh, not reconstructed from some mixed chemicals.
  19. Gubaba, the posting market and thread stock exchange relies greatly on speculation of the plot market. Without these speculator, MW will die out since no one will share their stock by posting their opinion/imagination. Character death, plot, anime science convention are subject these speculator interested most, thus contributing to the post market (altough some post are sold cheaply). Oh yeah, Macross World Post Exchange is running high now
  20. I wonder if Revoltech have plan to release more from the Getter series, damn I want a Getter Emperor standing side by side with TTGL.
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