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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. I pick none since Kawamori will pull Touma (Aquarion) on Alto
  2. And Alto must be punished for destroying a piece of relic
  3. Wow, Klan Q Reas have a really big.......missile drum
  4. Hmm...someone is missing here.....guess who
  5. Michel is Bilrer clone? that's explain where he get the playboy characteristics.
  6. Lelouch...his waifu is a loli...and now his mother is a loli too.....
  7. I'll try it. lol, my current avatar and Xeros will make Vajra's swarmed this thread
  8. Hmm, let see what I can do to reduce the file size, I'll use Ranka slap for a while
  9. I'm picturing Klan in miclone form, eating a bucket of fried chicken........damn that makes me hungry..... Finding Ai-kun among the Vajra rush is just like finding Waldo
  10. Dubbed songs? Don't you think Ro****** songs is damaging enough to your ear and soul?
  11. Morpheus

    Second Life

    You are soo predictable 2nd life....I already got multiple life on multiple MMORPG.....I don't think I have any extra souls left......
  12. Is it me or the batroid mode is much more bulkier, and seeing the stand on the batroid mode, I think there's going to have some balance issue with the wings folded back.
  13. Alto....let see, he saw Gilliam juiced by Vajra, he saw Raramia blown up to space dust, and now he saw Michel impaled by Vajra and sucked into space. Not to mention he was helped by the Zentran 131th marine fleet before they got eaten by Dimension eater. How many people around Alto need to die before Alto return back to Kabuki?
  14. I think I read a post somewhere mentioning that Flower Girl is a time traveling girl. Or maybe she is one of the last protoculture who witness the anima spiritia triumph over the protodevlin, that's why she's obsessed with anima spiritia character.
  15. Grace 2.0 was reconstructed in Frontier, so It would be safe to say that such facilities are available in Frontier. Can we stop arguing whether Michel will be back or not and just accept that he's in GARhalla now I got Starship Trooper vibes when I watch Frontier troops fighting the bugs and got hugged/crushed by it.
  16. Being juiced by Vajra is not a man way to die, Gilliam should stay on the VF-25 and dying with it. Michel on the other hand, died while saving his love, and manage to take down the Vajra who impale him, his last word is also manly. The manliest death.....should go to SDF:M Kakizaki....hours before his demise he want to eat steak not knowing he will became one later (superheated human steak that is).
  17. They also show it on epi.14 when Alto bringing Sheryl back to Quarter
  18. But I don't think Klan will use his VF-25G, I hope Sheryl will....
  19. Trust me, the day Gundams started to gattai SRW style is the last day I'm watching Gundam.
  20. Its that another Gundam style head on the back of Virtue Mk II? Gundam Meisters, change Gundam 001. Meh, Ptolemy still look the same, juts with a new catapult. I want my Zakus.
  21. Errrr, hellow guys, President Glass is dead, his body is full of bullet holes in his lying on a pool of blood. Next episode: Memorial service for Michel.....I mean late President Glass. j/k to stop flame war on Michel ultimate demise.
  22. I say Basara is not a very good ace pilot, he's been using custom VF-19 which has been customized for him, put him on another plane (eg. VF-1 with whaling spear) and he became space dust. Gamlin IMO is one of the best ace out there, his flying skills is superb in VF-17, he even turn the VF-11 into a killing machine, now he got a VF-22, I bet he probably on the same level as Millia. Best pilot of all? I say Aegis Fokker deserve a place on the list. C'mon, he survive dueling with several ghost at once, defeating enemy aces in uber valk and he got the chance to pilot all the valk (not to mention the only pilot in Macross history to ever score a kill underwater beside Shin). Aegis Fokker is the man.
  23. I vote for Grace (run away from angry MW mobs....)
  24. I also think that Ranka was hurt knowing that she and her song are being used as a tool to combat the Vajra, plus the shock seeing Alto with Sheryl add more damage. The Vajra respond to her emotion just like a bee hive scrambling to protect their Queen, they know something or someone is hurting their Queen and the seek for retribution. The same thing happen on Global, when the Queen is pierced by Brera gunpod, the entire Hive react and instinctively proceed to annihilate Frontier (due to Grace bait). Hmm, Ranka will became Vajra Queen and thats make Alto the alpha male?
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