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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. And suddenly Polidread got new inspiration for his VFgirls collection
  2. Whispo, I have a request, an animated GIF of Klan jumping with the FAST pack and giving the Vajra Itano Circus, its for personal use (no need to be avatar size).
  3. Just like MisaForever, you're very predictable I think the two of you is like the two side of a coin
  4. I was saving for a Yamato valk but ended up buying 5 gunpla. I also remember when I collect all the mechanical data on all Macross series and put it on a binder (just like Chronicles today). I wander if I still have the file somewhere.
  5. After episode 21, I want Klan equipped FAST pack to be included into the playable Valk
  6. Like my new avatar? Well I feel the pacing on this episode is kinda fast, I also don't understand Brera, he said he want to protect Ranka most, but taking her to Ai-kun homeworld (which surely be full of Vajra's) is kinda weird. Also, did Ranka realize that Brera is her real brother after all those flashback? What about Brera memories?
  7. Hmm, let see. Most violent: 1) Death by holes on the face (Yup, thats include Ivanov,Bodolza and the Zentraedi in DYRL who got facelift by Miriya and Max). 2) Zentran dude who got his head crushed under Miriya Q-rau. Most pathetic death: 1). Nora, she got vaporized by birdhuman since she doesn't pay attention. 2). Gilliam, since he tried to die as a GARlock, but failed and ended up in soylent green. Most GAR: 1) Guld 2) DYRL Fokker 3) Michel (The reason can be found on the other thread)
  8. Counting down for spoiler lift . So the ending song is set according to the episode title now. I'm waiting for episode with the title Kyoudai Sen or Ninjin loves you
  9. One word...anime magic Don't worry Gubaba, Nanase will return as Shishio Nanase
  10. Hmm, Gubaba really love girl in bondage..I mean bandage
  11. A battalion of UN Zentran soldier in FAST pack armor >>> Destroid battalion
  12. Too bad, Sivil will make Klan go berserk anytime Sivil went near her.
  13. A link to my photobucket account? Its okay, as long you don't peek at my other stuff there ABout Battle Frontier, . There's no hint at all that
  14. I can sense a new product for 1/60 line....
  15. We need more female valk pilot, I could only listed a few of them: - Silvie Gena - Mylene - Miriya - Maria Fakina Barnrose - Nora BTW,
  16. Don't make this thread getting locked again
  17. VB-6 does have batroid mode, look at the official site or VF-X2.
  18. I've been reading all the post, and I think some of you guys need some fresh air .
  19. Argh, Horrible as always I'm going to bed now, waiting for HQ raw in the morning.
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