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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Few things that I wanted to see before Frontier ends: - VF-171 Gerwalk and the new Stampede VF-171 action - Konig Monster batroid mode - Battle Frontier in storm attacker mode - Macross Galaxy and escort About Stampede Nightmare, I bet the weaponary are all based on MDE ammo. The gun is a huge MDE gatling gun and the launcher is DE micro missile launchers. Space time will be ripped apart next episode bringing the galaxy into a disastrous ending.
  2. or the giant panties...
  3. Can I request a Vajra page on M3? We have seen plenty of variation now, just need official lineart or description.
  4. You never went fishing aren't you
  5. That's Orange Michel (Code Geass reference). Dr. FrankeinsKlan is cute
  6. Hmm, the last one look good, lineart doujin?
  7. You'll be surprised when you found out that molecule of water react to music/song
  8. 4 episodes left, c'mon people I want to see more body bags. Leon, you first.
  9. Makes me wonder, how many times Kawamori got himself killed on his own anime?
  10. I want more episodes, with VF-171 action and the new Stampede VF-171 action
  11. Then make it, our only official Valk Girl need it place on your Macross Shrine I could imagine some RPG web went crazy writing RPG stat about Super pack Klan ^^
  12. Calm down people, we can discuss thing with our head inside a bucket of cold water . I think since MF is nearing its final, some plot./story/char development are cut. Actually we can see more character development and story in this episode alone, like: - Alto and co mourning for Michel and his burial (dammit, why did all Macross heroes never got a proper burial). - Some stuff explaining why Ozma and Cathy decided to hide - How did Klan manage to wear the FAST pack and her sortie using the Q-reas after defending island 3 with her fellow zentran - Grace and Leon smirking - Ranka surprised to found that Ai-kun is a Vajra and decided to help it. - Sheryl screentime. - Why Alto and Luca VF-25 is in island 3 instead in Quarter hangar. - Evacuation of island 3 including the hippocows and the farmer. - Brera and his remote control VF-27 - More Mecha porn. This episode will be good if it can be split into 2 or 3 episode. Hell, even DBZ got more dialog and plot for one fight scene Ok, I need some air now (takes head out of bucket of cold water).
  13. There it is, the solution to garbage problem
  14. She did it because she think she's the reason why Vajra are attacking Frontier, and besides where the hell they went into? Galia IV is wrecked, Galaxy is still hiding, or they go to
  15. Anime Magic: the answer to all of your question related with anime
  16. I guess faster pacing now, lets not hope its gonna be Arjuna or Zero ending . If its end in 25 with a massive cliffhanger, I'll inject myself with Refrain drug from CG.
  17. Good job Don't worry, I wont kill you, here have a pineapple salad.
  18. Lisa Hayes starring Man Faye (runs....)
  19. Looks like Ai-kun is devouring Ranka.
  20. Welcome to Macross World and have some Yoshinol. I guess most of the question will be answered in future episodes. As Kawamori once said, MF is about High School drama, and we all know that high school kids are.......very much annoying
  21. The Dimension Eater on this episode have a radius around 50 m, so I guess this is a medium size DE. The one that devour Galia IV must be the XL size and I wonder how small the Mini DE ammo later will be. (Imagining Vajra's being teared apart by many holes of DE). Did the population on Island 3 were evacuated before the detonation (since I only saw 3 VF escaping from it)? Darn, this mean no more Hippo cows soft cream, and Mr.Tokugawa lost his job
  22. VF-27 use the fold booster when it went to Galia IV, and probably Brera left it on orbit when he came to the surface. He use it again to fold to Frontier afterward. In epi.7, I speculate that Brera VF-27 and other were launched from Dulfim in stealth mode and later piggyback on Dulfim fold jump. There's still no hard evidence showing the VF-27 have internal fold drive or not.
  23. I can sense Arjuna/Aquarion ending I give my full support to Alto and co to exterminate the Vajra with no remorse, unleash those DE and MDE to the bugs, susume...Frontier!
  24. Sub ftw. I don't like dub very much, I feel that dub movies/anime is for the retarded. I remember when my local TV station was airing Slayers dub in local language, and the next day the station received dozens of complain and threats
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