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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Paperplane.......
  2. The Compendium has listed the VF-171EX as an anti-Vajra valk No entry on Battle Frontier yet.
  3. Where's Prince Ali?
  4. Damn you all, I just realized that she's holding her gun
  5. I want it, including the bridge bunny fig.
  6. Gremlin Klan: Don't feed her seven colored carrot after midnight
  7. I want: - Macross VFX-2: The Animation - Gundam StarGazer like side stories: Band of Destroid during SW1 - Gundam Igloo like side stories: History of VF development - I want Misa back
  8. No for remake of original and second season of Frontier. No remake since I like it as it is, a treasured classic anime. No for Frontier second season since I'm afraid it will be terrible just like all mecha anime who got second season (Seed Destiny, Code Geass R2, and probably Gundam 0.0 too). I prefer to wait several years (or several century) for another quality Macross series.
  9. Quick review of CG:R2 episode 22.
  10. What about my Galaxy fleet?
  11. Hmm, a new spin-off series? Macross Frontier:Quarter, main hero will be Ozma with the love triangle Ozma-Cathy-Bobby, Bobby will be the singing idol. Hmm, perfect
  12. I just got back last night, what the hell is going on? (Downloading HD RAW now). Does this mean Alto will use VF-171 from now on or Luca will use his L.A.I. to make a valk for him? (Smack me on the head since I didn't read all the post on this thread ).
  13. Mugen truck? Oh I see, MUGEN PUNCHHHHHH!!!
  14. Ranka lee: - Lost her memories due to severe trauma, and can be recalled if emotion condition is unstable. - The only(?) survivor of Vajra attack on 117th research fleet - Adopted by Ozma, who lied about his work in the beginning - Love singing due to memories of Aimo (or because her adopted brother is Fire Bomber maniac?) - Tried to fulfill her dream by entering Miss Macross but lost - Unexpectedly became famous due to her role in Birdman movie - Revealed as Q1 after Galia IV incident, and used as a tool against Vajra - Refused to sing again after she realized her song is being used for mass murder (Vajra being the victim here) - part FAST pack and pregnant with fold quartz(??) She just an innocent teenager with an unlucky fate, she was childish at the beginning but now begin to grow up (since she fall in love with Alto?). I just hope she made the right decision by leaving Alto (and Frontier).
  15. I just finished reading the manga until chapter 19, it kinda similiar with Rahxephon.
  16. Oh yes yes yes, I love space opera anime. The character uniform reminds of LOGH and finally some space fleet action. Added to my watch list Btw, how many episode is on planning? 110 like LOGH?
  17. I wonder if some sicko is making a fanart of this Nanase will wake up Basara style if Luca started to sing Santi-U as Gubaba requested.
  18. AFAIK, there are no Tragic Heroine death on Macross universe right? Unlike Gundam UC where nearly all the female pilots are killed, Macross female pilots are capable to survive until the end, so Sheryl must became a VF-25 pilot
  19. I prefer "uncapable of reentry". FAST pack are literally missile ammo with extra fuels, the massive heat during re-entry might trigger an internal ammo explosion. Even in Macross 7, the VF need some re-entry vehicle (Operation Stargazer) so some of the surviving valk can reach atmosphere safely with their FAST packs. However, Sound Force are capable to perform re-entry with their sound booster (Galaxy is calling me) this might be explained as their sound booster doesn't contain any fuel or missiles, the sound booster are just huge speaker with holographic system. PS: YF-19 and YF-21 is equipped with augmentation pack, not a real FAST pack.
  20. Hurray? I need to decide which sub I should keep, my MF folder is getting fat with multiple RAW and subs.
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