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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. I don't whether to laugh or cry seeing Alto leading a bunch of Kakizakis.
  2. Weird, I just about to post that blog However I found these comment right at some degree.
  3. Hollywood turned popular games into craptastic movies, let see if they can turn a craptastic games into popular movies, I vote for Custer Revenge
  4. Instead she got Uncle Char advice and run wild with a MS/MA. A very typical newtype teenage girl.
  5. The old UN Spacy kite has been replaced by new NUNS symbol (probably to avoid dispute with HG stuff). The hexagonal symbol is the SMS symbol.
  6. Give EX-gear system to VF-19/22, it will be more superior even without FAST pack
  7. I want more Gunpla from AoZ series.
  8. Oops, my mistake So it was inspired by ZEO frames then, however the manga artist is different (Shimoguchi Tomohiro). So technically the original mecha designer for ZOE and Linebarrels are two different people, only the mecha designer for the anime is the same person.
  9. For a few micro second yes, a few microsecond.....
  10. Hmm, Linebarrel mecha designer : Tsutomu Suzuki ZOE mecha designer : Hideo Kojima Probably ZOE mecha is the inspiration/template for the linebarrels.
  11. Consider yourself lucky
  12. Satisfaction followed by rage since Hathaway killed Chan in the crippled Re-GZ because of it.
  13. According to rumor I heard in chan's board, ALI project will do the opening, and the channers said it was GONZO style in murdering a promised mecha series. If that's the case, I just skip the opening intro and enjoy the show .
  14. Well, he's quite popular for an otaku web blogger. I've been visiting his blog site since two years ago. So does this mean that Otaku life style is quite good, and can make you famous if its done right, just like Densha Otoko.
  15. I'll support this campaign.
  16. Macross and MSG is the two anime franchise that I know is popular and have several series and movies. In case of MSG, I think the development of new series is decided by Bandai and Tomino (originally), Bandai as the main sponsor IMO wants new MSG series over the decade to push the Gunpla sales, renewing the franchise for each generation in Japan. In case of Macross I don't really know since Bandai doesn't involved directly with it, and AFAIK has been solely the work of Kawamori alone (story concept and main mecha designer?). I wonder if future Macross series doesn't involve Kawamori at all (like Macross II which in the end only accepted as alternate universe). Besides, do you accept any valk design that is not Hory Froating Head original?
  17. I think Dulfim will show up at the end of episode 24, along with the rest of Galaxy fleet. And hell will break loose when Grace started to sing Sharon Apple style.
  18. ALI Project as the opening song? 5/10.
  19. Lunar sub (avi) is out, you can find them on Animesuki or Tokyo Toshokan.
  20. Contentrated spice, imported from Colony on Arakken.
  21. Did anyone notice that the staff on Frontier want to contact main NUNS about their problems? So Frontier is a branch of NUNS after all, Earth is still in control.
  22. 40 VFs!!! I believe thats include power armors and destroids right? I wish I could play as SDF-1 with Macross Cannon and M3 as ranged attack and Daedalus maneuver as melee attack
  23. VF-4, VF-14, YF-24, we only see them in matter of seconds in Macross Universe. Maybe YF-24 will find its glory on Macross game just like it predecessor.
  24. Huh, so who will be responsible for Armageddon in 2012? HLC firing mishap? Arrival of Nibiru?
  25. I found a complete Ender series during my stay in Nagoya including other sci-fi books in the Maruzen store (and its quite cheap), however I only bought the Speaker for The Dead.
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