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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Mr.March IS M3
  2. This news deserve a Yoshinol
  3. Where's MisaForever when we need him?
  4. Welcome back Roycommi, I love your old Satellite Factory webpage Hmm, need time to answer all those question, let me try it. 1. Grace is a cyborg/artificial human, her consciousness is connected with an implant network which explain why she have many persona in her. 2. She ordered Purple-1 to destroy Vajra to prevent Frontier fleet from studying it. 3. Galaxy went ambitious with the Fold-Implant network thing, and they want to control the Galaxy by slaving the Vajra (which are feared by the Protoculture). With the ability of unlimited fold travel, they can summon their bio-weapon (Vajra) anywhere in galaxy. 4. Main island is probably the main ship of Macross Galaxy, its not know whether it had other islands as well. 5. Alto is in love with his paperplane. 6. Grace had Ranka mind-controlled, by using the "Little Queen", she hacked her way into the Vajra network, allowing her to take control of the Vajra. 7. I think its the other way around, Galaxy led Vajra to begin their attack on Frontier, and they later hide by using Vajra attack as an excuse. 8. Hmm, its not their destination? Since I think Galia IV is just an outpost for a Zentran Navy (not to mention the splinter group which hated miclone). 9. Mountains? 10. Leon is manipulated by Grace, Leon want to take control of Frontier, Grace the entire NUNS/Galaxy. 11. Bilrer is the founder of SMS, without him there are no SMS, Macross Quarter or VF-25. Also he wanted to harvest the Vajra for the fold quartz, but his main reason is to use the fold quartz to meet Minmay. 12. Brera only turned against Galaxy in the final episode, he's like an agent/elite pilot for Galaxy forces. The attack on SMS member by him may be just an excuse since they "interfering" with his missions. 13. Frontier fleet did try to rescue Galaxy, but they didn't know that Galaxy is manipulating them. Its also possible that the Dulfim is use to spy on Frontier. Other member may give better answer.
  5. (Brain short circuited) Me want, me want, me want, Dulfim, Battle galaxy, all lineart
  6. The Ex-Gear system on VF-25 greatly improve the pilots ability to resist high-G condition. When VF-171 is upgraded into VF-171EX, the Ex-Gear system is also introduced which mean VF-171EX has higher performance. Anti-Gravity does not nullified high-G stress on pilot, IMO only inertial nullifier/damper could lessen the G impact on pilot. Now the question is, why Ranka is not killed when Brera is using the VF-27 to evade the Vajra, I bet he's using it at max performance. Imagine this: Brera pull high-G manuever when he evades the Vajra, he look back and saw Ranka has been Gulded
  7. I could imagine the questions: Q1: "Will Michel survive in the upcoming movie?" Q2: "Why did you kill Michel, why why" Q3: "Do you hate Michel that you have to kill him?" and so on...
  8. Forget Macross Cannon or other uber destructive weapon, the ultimate psychological warfare system: Basara Defense.
  9. VF-27 Messiah Freedom or VF-27 Strike Messiah Actually I like the last one.
  10. Not to mention it give a nasty surprise to whoever want to backstab Seravee "peek-a-boo" BTW, why Allejujah is in captivity, didn't he escaped with one eye lost during S1 final battle?
  11. The good old Macross Cannon, probably the biggest Macross class ever if M2 is canon. Too bad the Macross Cannon are very fragile, as I remember one ship exploded during firing (due to the damage done by the marduk power armor I think) and the other were destroyed by Marduk rain of death.
  12. One reason why I buy fewer toys/model kits after I got married, my wife always asked me whether I could invest my money on other things besides toys on which I always say its for my collection. Why can't we invest on our Otaku hobby
  13. And who will play as Bobby? Alto hime?
  14. That's because the inner hardpoint was used up by the SUPER pack. So VF-25 with SUPER/ARMOR pack can carry 4 extra missiles on wing/ARMOR pack hardpoints, while normal VF-25 could carry up to 6 extra missiles on its hardpoints. BTW, does VF-27 have wing hardpoints?
  15. 5 pages, and Alto only have 1 votes. What, only 1 person to vote for Nanase? What happen to her fans club? Does being paralyzed in the last few episodes makes her fan abandon her? Or because Luca stole a kiss from her, poor Nanase.
  16. Well the on the model kit, the panels open up so we can fold the tail stabilizer and also unlocking the feet extension.
  17. I prefer ultra slow motion than pause button. Watching MF in slow motion mode made you notice plenty of things, not including the feeling that MF has been extended to 50 episodes since it took 1 hour to finish 1 episode
  18. The only subs are in .mkv
  19. Womanizer tracking style Thats how womanizer track part of their female target. Fact: Only Roy, Ozma and Alto could do that trick. Well, basically only Roy is the true womanizer
  20. Hmm, Zeta vibe here A-Laws -> Titans Kataron -> AEUG Saji -> Katz Louise ->Sarah I also heard the gattai thing is just a false rumor (I hope it stay a rumor). To wolfx, yes, I beginning to watch this show since I'm disappointed in Linebarrels.
  21. Chun Li can not be played by a natural human IMO.
  22. Impaled in his VF-25 and then sucked to vacuum again... So Gilliam, Rarania and Michel will have their deaths glorified in the movie?
  23. http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=35186 I suggest to check on the scanlated manga on onemanga before actually see the anime.
  24. From MacF official page, I want high resolution of these images:
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