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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Now I'm starting to hate this thread, I envy you guys who can joyfully play this game (bangs head to desk..). Anyway, I got a question, does the Varauta Patzerzorene (upgraded FZ-109 Elgerzorene IIRC) is available in the game? If it does, can it transform to gerwalk mode? AFAIK Pantzerzorene doesn't have Gerwalk mode (I can't find any lineart of it in Gerwalk mode in both Kawamori design book and Miyatake's). Now excuse me, I need to wipe the blood off my desk....
  2. Future retcons will add fold quartz earring/ring/necklace used by Isamu and Myung..... *runs*
  3. Now we know Gilliam incarnation from the Frontier Soylent factory.....canned bread.
  4. The newest Macross Chronicle (Vol. have an article about Macross Cannon, they mentioned its length is around 6000 meter.
  5. HG Cherudim Gundam review: http://www.geocities.jp/hetare_d_max/galle...udimGundam.html
  6. Sheryl and Ranka flavor? Where's my red lobster flavored bread?
  7. So Dulfim are equivalent to Uraga carriers and Kaitos to NorthHamptons. Any information on the VF series on board the Dulfim class?
  8. I just start re-watching SDF:M thanks to that pic
  9. Where's the 2nd page of this pic? And the 3rd, 4th and so on...... Need more Misa-Hikaru fanpics
  10. I make it up, why so serious?
  11. Guvava and Mylene shares a psychic link, maybe the same case like the Zolan girl and her snake. How Isamu heard Myung voices wile he was in Trance? I just call it the power of love/music Besides, music in Macross is the supernatural power, so far music in Macross Universe has done the following things: - Culture shock - Mind control - Psychic link (via Fold Quartz and somehow the Bird Man are also capable of doing this) - Make colorful rainbows So music is the answer to everything supernatural, to quote Ramba Ral on this matter: "Kore wa Newtype chikara janai! Newtype janai! Uta no chikara da!"
  12. ......hard to choose.....I like all of them. If I have to vote for one, then I vote for Sakamoto Maaya version of Aimo My favourite music are: - Infinity -> reminds me of epi.7 with fast paced mecha pron action - Aimo O.C -> dark song, but I like it, its feel like "Vajra darling, lets mate, then I nuke you" - Nyan-nyan Medley -> nuff said.
  13. Good lord, when I first saw the first pic with Spock in it, first thing came to my mind was "Star Destroyer?", then I read the word Empire on the lower left and my mind keep saying "WTF is Spock doing in the Empire Strikes Back"
  14. You mean Zinedine Zidane would be the perfect actor for Jubei?
  15. Fairy Bomba......
  16. This thread need"s more VF-171EX
  17. Batwing and Thunderhawk gunship?
  18. Arghhh...mecha pron from a doujin manga.....
  19. No need for translation device, just bring Dr.Zoidberg, he can make all those Vajra Queen happy eternally.
  20. I think the reason why they try to adapt Ninja Scroll into live action movie is they consider Ninja Scroll among the most popular anime movies outside of Japan. Well, if they make a true adaptation and not reducing the gore/violence, I might have a try. I heard this on another forum, two things that Hollywood should never make: movie based on anime and games.
  21. Hmm, I found that one 4chan /m/, don't go there unless you're blind or illiterate.
  22. "Tally Ho" is my pick for best BGM, it always reminds me about scene of flight of V F-171 firing nukes to Vajra which is epic-win.
  23. I saw a pic of Delta Plus kit from Unicorn somewhere in the web, can anyone confirm this? Btw, is the Delta Plus transformable?
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