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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. I wonder why Ali let Setsuna shuttle escape from Azadistan, doesn't he supposed to love slaughtering defenseless people? Seeing Soma and Louis on the same stage doesn't feel right, Soma got elite soldier atmosphere around her while Louise got "confused little puppy out for revenge" atmosphere, and then the "Russian bear son" barge in and mesmerized by the puppy.
  2. Awesome, now where's the vid
  3. Chun Li looks......fat......I lol'ed at the fat man with the camera in the backgorund.
  4. This is what Babelfish says: So Quarter does have gerwalk mode, it would be interesting to see it landing on that mode.
  5. The zentraedi article still doesn't explain why the protoculture made both male (zentran) and female (meltran) warrior, in the TV series we saw them mix into one army (Bodol fleet) while DYRL depict them as separate army who's constantly fighting each other. Although in Mac7 they depict Chlore fleet as another independent meltran fleet, they are using DYRL meltran ship, which is different from Lalplamiz unit in Bodol fleet. Or probably Protoculture just like woman with big boobs.
  6. Well, if its drawn in CG then there must be a 3D model somewhere, I demand a 3ds or obj file of it so we Macross Nerds could analyze it more
  7. Can I have Chun-Li in sailor fuku plz?
  8. Hi all, I'm currently using Winamp v5.52 on my laptop, however I notice sometimes winamp.exe took around 60%-80% CPU which not right. I already went to Winamp forum and tried the troubleshooting there in order to reduce the CPU usage, however it still doesn't work for me. So I want to change Winamp to another player which are easier to use, anyone got a suggestion? PS: Will you buy a PC from this store? Cheap PC
  9. Not to mention the shipping cost will be astronomical. So being made out of die cast metal, how heavy this toy will be (how heavy the SDF-1 anyway, the toy not the real one even if its existed) And for the gimmick, I wonder : - detachable carrier deck - movable bridge (able to rotate) - Heavy Quantum Cannon opening/closing - movable turret - mini destroid and VF-25s
  10. Stop talking about that, you make my nerve system frozen because of it I vote to ban that pic from MW forever. Back on topic. I already voted, but I think Max-Milia dogfight in the game parlor is just amazing to watch, Max really conquer all aspect of her. I doubt any of you can make a GF like max did (beat her in video games, not the knife fight )
  11. My desktop display just exploded due to sheer awesomeness when I watched it.
  12. Here you go: Anyway, since I got trapped by most Macross/Robotech RPG websites in the past I found many mecha/vessel addition to the Robo-verse that is not on the original animation, does these mecha is covered on the Palladium book?
  13. Coming from Robotech, I found that not strange at all.
  14. I'm still following Shikabane Hime Aka, and there only 2 episode which has been fansubbed. I think the main reason is the dialogue is very difficult to understand (the main character way of speaking is very....how could I put it.....difficult to understand).
  15. You mean Ao no ether was composed by Maaya and Yoko? You have the track listing for her new album, I'm just wandering if some "stuff" are in it
  16. So Saji is now officially a Celestia Being slapping boy? So the new Ptolemy got it owns drive or it still depends on the Gundam GN drive?
  17. GATTAI!! I presenting Dul-Tos, or is it Ka-lfim, either way its sooo wrong to do it
  18. "Purple" is the color of enemy mecha, such as Varauta and stuff After looking at HR image of Galaxy, I'm beginning to doubt that Battle Galaxy is on top of that thing. I better wait for official confirmation from lineart. Galaxy fleet is quite small for a Long Range Immigration Fleet with only a single main island, unless Galaxy main island is very huge (bigger than Frontier islands combined). I want MF TIA . There are plenty of mechanical stuff that aren't explained yet, like the scout ship from Galaxy (the one who fold to Frontier in episode 6), Frontier escort fleet and also the Q-rea with nukes on its shoulder
  19. So FAST Pack can gather together after being ejected, and re-assembled itself to the Valk in space. Wow, since when FAST pack is becoming a sentient machine. Armored pack may group together again, as long they are dumped at the same time, since Alto dump his Super pack piece by piece, I bet each piece are having a hard time trying to group together.
  20. So Quarter DX can tramsform, and it will have Bobby sound effect screaming "Macross Attack" with the main gun blinking.....I guess I'm hoping too much.
  21. Nena new MS..or I better call it UFO powered GN drive, what happen to her old throne? Good episode,
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