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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Thanks all. sketchley Thanks for the info, I'll updated the chart accordingly. New chart, this time I also added the manufacturer. Btw, Mylene VF-11MAXL is based on VF-16 right?
  2. Some scans from Macross Chronicle 9.
  3. Hi all, I'm planning to make a chart for Variable Fighter development stage which will depict the evolution from VF-0 to the state-of-the-art VF-27. Most of the material are pulled directly from Mr.March M3 website, however I still need some help in developing this chart. Currently this chart is for UN/NUNS only, although some of the valk in the series had been developed into enemy valk (such as the Varauta mecha or the Pheyos valkyrie). I also added the hybrid line where VF technology meets other tech (such as Destroid or power armor). note: I forgot that YF-21 is a hybrid of Quadlun Rau with a Valk, will be updated later. Help and comments are appreciated.
  4. At first glance, I was thinking Transformer II. However those design are quite good, I was thinking Skynet Army would be Necron-like infatry
  5. Maybe this movie will retcon everything in ST, just like how they reformatted 007 franchise. I bet if the movie is successful, there will be New Star Trek: the TV series.
  6. I was thinking to make a Flash game with the title "Design your own NMC" which feature different design for the arm, torso, leg/engine, shoulder, gunship and bridge. Player could assemble them as they like. Too bad I'm not very good at writing Flash animation.....
  7. First time I saw Gerpernich in human mode, I was thinking 'cool, enemy commander is a hot lady, maybe Max could charmed her up'. Ivano vs Alto hime? I guess no one dare to address Ivano as a girl when he turned into a protodevlin sorrounded by his zombie army. But when Alto hime went Kabuki, he will be raped by fans alike
  8. Interesting VF-0 lineart from this issue especially the cockpit during batroid mode. There also a size comparison diagram between SDF-1, Megaroad, City-7, and Island-1. Let see if I can pull my scanner out tonight and make some scanning.
  9. This thing will keep on going : Height 25 cm, it will be released on 25th with the price of 25,000 yen.
  10. Hmm, so the fate of the Varauta army and their fleet of heavy warships are left to the unknown then, I doubt they are covered in the novel like Mylene Beat or something like that, did Chronicles mentioned their fate?
  11. Awesome vid EXO, Eastern type of Clint Eastwood action, I dare Hollywood to do the same.
  12. Same here, basically its the same like VF-25F with the only difference is in the head. But if its Michel or Luca's valk, I'll buy it since it got new gimmick (Sniper rifle and radar dome). I better wait for the Super Pack or Armored pack version.
  13. Hmm, talking about fuel I wonder how long a valk could operate without refueling. Now let see: - DYRL: VF-1T, used by Hikaru and Minmay for joyriding, initially equipped with trainer pack, later was used by Hikaru and Misa to escape to Earth where they spent weeks (probably) without refueling (Trainer pack jettisoned when entering atmosphere). - M:Plus : YF-19/YF-21, used by their test pilot, fold to Earth, and dogfight all around the Earth until the end of the movie. - M:Frontier : VF-25 used by Alto to escort Sheryl, folded to Galia IV, used in a brief time for fighting the rogue zentran, escaping Dimension Eater blast, fold back to Frontier, briefly engaged the Vajra drone before landing in Quarter and re-armed (probably re-fuel as well). Super pack jettisoned when entering atmosphere and re-equipped in orbit during trip back to Frontier. The advance valk (YF-19/21, VF-25) are using much more powerful engine compare to VF-1T so it could be the fuel consumption are larger (or is it more efficient?), but I think they also need to power the fold drive (which is not small IMO). Can someone put some light on this matter?
  14. With this thread and the other thread about movie remakes, I'm beginning to stop caring what Hollywood attempting to produce now, I will watch it if its watchable. About the new Enterprise, well it give some excuse for model and toy maker to make a new Enterprise line for sale, they need to make money you know. I'm a fan, but not willing to die for it, so I wait for the next trailer to learn if there's anything new besides the news and rumors.
  15. Just say it Ali-Throne-Gundam, that would be perfect.
  16. But they will probably use western actor for this one, and maybe few Japanese actor. Maybe Tom Cruise will get the chance to act like a samurai again, but still I prefer Samuel L Jackson for Jubei, that would be $%#& awesome.
  17. Can someone capture a HR image of Dulfim and Kaitos side view schematic when they are on VF-25 tactical display (epi.7, I forgot the time frame), I'll try to make the lineart of it if its possible.
  18. Yet another newbie question from a not-so-newbie member. What happened to the Varauta army once Basara makes them generated their own spiritia, did Gepernich release them from their mind control or they just becoming eternal slave to the protodevlin?
  19. Darn, I wish I were you at that day
  20. Hmm, custom color variant for the VF-25 - VF-25 "Ranka Guard" - VF-25 "Sheryl Special"
  21. When Canaria nuke Battle Galaxy bridge, there are more than explosion damage, the nuke explosion may give electromagnet radiation that temporarily blinded Battle Galaxy sensor, allowing Quarter and Frontier to close in and do the combo. Wait, what if Galaxy head separates just like Mac II?
  22. This explain why Galaxy fleet turning rogue. And it appears each of the fleet have their own markings now like M Frontier logo and M Galaxy logo. I wonder what kind of logo M Seven would have.
  23. Err...maybe there's a computer program that runs how the pedals work, like do down down up, head laser shooting, up up down, cobra maneuver etc . Somehow the 50 stick/pedals from SDF:M starting to make sense. In other news, catgirls are being slaughtered by used airplane foot pedals....
  24. OOT About the Akira movie: http://latinoreview.com/news/exclusive-a-l...ira-part-1-5678 They change Tokyo into Manhattan, so in case of Ninja scroll, will they change feudal Japan into Western Cowboy theme?
  25. Sad news, I wonder if they have plan to release MF lineart book. Or maybe they'll release it after the movie.
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