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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Fast Japan is fast, fan pic of the previous episode are already flooding Animesuki
  2. New Gurren Lagann manga in high-school parody scanlation is online on onemanga. Its fun to see the gurren brigade in high school theme, especially when Nia literally landed on Simon face
  3. Here's your answer As you can see, the VF-27 is heavily armed with beam cannons and missile launchers. VF-25 are seen carrying nuclear missiles on its hard-point os one of the episodes. We also saw Michel VF25 carrying speaker pods on the wings.
  4. Sulendil Ang Yup, I just found that one, however there are two VF-X-11 version, one with canard and the other without. So maybe later I'll replaced it with Max version of VF-X-11. Hmm, should I make a new chart showing ALL the valk variant with their add-on FAST pack?
  5. I can sense Kamille - Four on the making here......
  6. Done Should I put the SDP-1 Stampede valkyrie and the VF-3 Crusader to the chart? (is it canon?)
  7. sketchley Thanks, I made the correction. I'm wondering since Chronicles shows VF-5000 as the next line for VF-4, should we add this as well? Evolution of SV-51? Hmm, maybe into something that we never seen before (possible for future Macross series? ) Mr March Done, I put both VF-X-1 and VF-X-4 to the chart. About the misc valk, maybe we just leave them out the chart unless their contribution to the valk development is crucial such as VF-5 which sketchley mentioned is listed on DX.4. Chart updated, this time I put both version of VF-14 into one box. Macross 7 PLUS shows the black one (Zentraedi variant?), which I suspect became the basis of Varauta Fz-103, while the M3 version is probably the standard version. Chart is getting crowded, I'll try to organize it.
  8. Mr.March Thanks for the link, I've updated the chart with the new lineart So anyone else got idea on what else I should add or change on the chart?
  9. Firefly taste Enterprise movie, this will be interesting
  10. Mr.March Thanks, I'll be waiting for the new lineart then. dizman Well, transformation almost look the same, but Kawamori clearly stated that VF-25 is a VF-1 which transform like VF-19. Updated chart. Corrected some spelling, I also added Zentraedi and Varauta line for their variable fighter series. I also added the VAB-2 and VF-X-11 (which became the basis for Zentraedi EVA Feios). I also moved the VF-171EX to Macross Frontier box, since I think that variant is unique to Frontier Fleet and produced by LAI).
  11. I like Super Robot Wars Original Generation, they got both Real type mecha and Super type mecha. But I prefer real type robot, since most real type mecha tends to be mass produced while super type mecha is a typical enemy mecha of the week.
  12. Well, I use the above reference for correlating VF-27 to VF-22, but I don't know if they will release more information about that. VF-27 is basically borrowed several stuff from YF-21 not VF-22 (BDI and BCS concept). I also curios since VF-22 were developed by General Galaxy and Galaxy Fleet are privately owned colony fleet, do you think General Galaxy is the main sponsor behind Macross Galaxy?
  13. Meeting in a desolate desert followed by a knife fight, then Allelujah proposed to Soma, later All will use a blue Arios Gundam and Soma a Red Ahead figting A-LAWS in pair. Now where did I see that before.....
  14. Only Macross F the movie has been confirmed so far. Besides, SK already have two other non-Macross project underway.
  15. Gigile EVIL body remain in stasis due to lack of fuel aka spiritia, the reason Gigile spirit goes back to the EVIL body is because he accidentally generate his own spiritia (by singing to Sivil) and thus he was able to break his stasis and blow up with Rax. Gepernich and other EVIL series are fed by enormous amount of spiritia to allow their EVIL counterpart to awaken. Since Gepernich is hosted in a human body, it just natural that the EVIL body joined up with the host.
  16. AFAIK VF-19A is atmospheric variant and VF-19F/S is space variant with different wing design. I could put VF-19F/S to the chart (maybe branch from YF-19). In the mean time I'll try the keep the other valk variant away from the chart otherwise is going to be very complicated. BTW, if I want to put the VF-X3 Crusader and SDP-1 Stampede valkyrie to the chart where should I put it? Based on the images provided by Roy Focker they are all based on VF-1, so I could make two other descendent from VF-1.
  17. Didn't we already have Disaster Movie and its siblings?
  18. Maybe they will feature MF side stories, or cover on old games.
  19. Thanks for the info, I think I better use VF-14 line art silhouette for the VA-14 then, just like how I depict the VF-3 and VF-5.
  20. Well Miriya got Yoshinol (the old fan art pic), with the trademark "Instant child, just add water"
  21. One space battle on episode 5, a brief uncreative space combat, basically it repeats the battle of Kerberos . Also, comparing with LoGH which battles are depicted in an epic way with each fleet consist over 10,000 ships strong, Tytania mainly depict a battle with each fleet consist around 600 (or is it 6,000) ships. Also I noticed some similiarity with LoGH, Tytania ships can not land on planet (like FPA) while the other kingdom ships could land on planets (Like the Galactic Empire). I still following this series, basically because I'm curious on how
  22. Too many discrepancy on several thing (dimension, background, etc), I wonder if the writer of each magazine had any communication before publishing the materials which supposed to be official. Does Egan got any word on how he will update the compendium regarding the new informations we got from the magazines?
  23. Super Dimensional Fortress Number-01 Super Dimensional Fortress Number-02, and so on BTW, Mr.March, do you have any lineart for VA-14 which became the base for Varauta Az-130 Panzerzorene? I want to add the Varauta VF line for the VF development chart, I already have the VAB bomber and the VF-14.
  24. As long it got tons of lineart, I'll buy it for sure, otherwise, meh.
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