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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Is it SWGA or SWAG? The compendium mentioned SWAG on ECA entry, but never explained what is SWAG. Apparently all new VF are equipped with active stealth system after YF-21/YF-19 with VF-17 as the only VF with passive stealth system. PPB coated knife means there's a small power generator inside those knife or the power are transmitted via the batroid manipulator. Hmm, PPB knife vs progressive knife fight will be interesting.
  2. Trekkies civil war will probably be far more interesting to watch.
  3. This could be better compare to the incoming Robo**** live action.
  4. The original Gundam which appear to Setsuna when he was a kid in Azadistan.
  5. AFAIK VF-5000 is the first VF with anti aircraft laser turret which pointed to the rear, the following VF used this as standard for placing the AA turret.
  6. So the poor postman from SDF:M was instantly fried when Hikaru blast him with the foot Wait, I think Hikaru also use the foot thruster at Breetai........
  7. John Travolta as Breetai?
  8. bridge bunnies on television
  9. I see you have created your own robo**** film, your training as a looser is now complete.
  10. Yup, I know I just wondered if I should make the above changes.
  11. Is there any new information from VF-25S (1/72 model kit) instruction book?
  12. TRT? WIth the mentioning of International Standard, I'm kinda confused on what thing we are currently discussing here...
  13. Interesting, I can see from that chart that there are several deviation from the development mentioned in GM DX.6. - VA-3 -> VF/VA-14 - VF-17 -> YF/21 and VF-22 - VF-4 -> VF-11 Let see if I can made some correction to my chart.
  14. Interesting, but I don't care about the setting, as long they stay true to the manga with exploding heads and badass motorbike it will be fine.
  15. You are all wrong, Haro is the real spy and the real villain, he was there when Lockon Mk I was killed and he is everywhere, even Nena have one. I bet in the end of this season, the real villain will appear with a mass produced GN powered Balls with Haros piloting them, the real villain will turn out to be Amuro ---tired--
  16. Soma/Marie new unit? So 00 and Arios got itself a backpack
  17. Bridge bunnies Add more female cadets in mini skirt and its all set to go. BTW, I think Kirk would agree with this.
  18. Marina? What are you doing in that costume? Another charity concert for Azadistan?
  19. Typical Hollywood Hero-maker How about the fate of human race lies in a ship full with survivor. Two young pilots, I wonder who that would be.
  20. Has this been posted before?
  21. Wow, another fellow of Den-en-toshi sen My nearest station is Myamaedaira.
  22. I like how Gunbuster and Nadesico mixed real robot and super robot theme. Both series got their science lesson for otaku and super robot actions (Gunbuster itself and the Gekiganger).
  23. Too bad they didn't include the HEL capability to 'vaporize' a target.
  24. Please do, and send the link to Azrael, he knows what to do with it.
  25. Judging from the trend in Gundam about a girl with dual personality (Four, Rosamia, Stellar, etc), I can predict several scenario of doom for her But I want to wait if this time it turns out different.
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