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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. He deserve a Yoshinol if he truly convert
  2. I think its time for MWer to make a Holy Crusade under the Hory Froating Head banner to liberate these people from the heretic known as HG. However I'm quite surprised that he never learn about the real Macross after all these year.
  3. That is so wrong on multiple level, if I could build a human android, I prefer making a hunter-killer android, at least I could sell it to the military. This guy creation would be profitable in strip club.
  4. I laughed and cried at the same time when I read that blog, HG is responsible for abandoning that poor soul.
  5. OOT Spaceball, when Lonestar about to duel Helmet thingy...
  6. Didn't we already have a thread about Cowboy Bebop live action? And I vetoed Man-Faye for Faye in the movie, but Man-Faye can make a cameo for WolfX sake.
  7. Well, at least she doesn't dressed in a carrot costume...so Megumi is now being known as Donut girl....?
  8. Thats the infamous fan made movie, Star Wreck, which tragically is far better compare to the rest of ST Movies.
  9. Well for VB-6, Gerwalk mode is probably the most versatile mode since it allows it to use it huge cannon, however for VF-17 gerwalk mode is probably the worst mode since it can literally shoot itself (via the leg concealed gunpod) while only armed with the cockpit gun and the elbow cannon.
  10. Will this change when Binder 3 came out? In the end probably it will became like this: Binder 1: SDF:M Binder 2: M2 Binder 3: MPlus Binder 4: M7 Binder 5: M:Zero Binder 6: M:Frontier
  11. One drastic difference is Macross Saga in Homotech is in English while the ORIGINAL Macross is in Japanese. Although I suspected that there are Zentraedi version of it somewhere.
  12. So, Fire Bomber American members are mutant?
  13. The Kamehamea part hurt my ear badly. Somehow the HK version of live action Dragon Ball is much more epic compare to this one.
  14. I'm wondering why CB doesn't have any grunt MS yet, they got dozens of worker and an asteroid for base of operation and probably other hidden bases. If CB are only relying on the Gundam Meister, they will be finished soon since Innovator capability are roughly equal to the Meister. Even Kataron got it own space fleet and massive grunt unit.
  15. Nope, only applies to Setsuna and Saji, since Setsuna is a Gundam and Saji is...ugh....docked into a Gundam......
  16. Can you make a quick translation on the Macross 5 article, I want to know how they explain the City 5 ships when they make landfall in Lux.
  17. I say its going to be Katz-Sarah all over again. So,
  18. Well fanfic are created by fans with no funding and sometimes only a few people dedicated their life into it, don't compare it to mainstream industry where the producers are gambling funds with dozens of talented artist and plethora of studio art backing up. I still say this fanfic film is >>>> Shadow Chronicle and Star Wreck >>> any Star Trek after Search of Spock.
  19. Neo-Kirk :"Computer locate Mr.Spock" Neo-Enterprise-Computer: "Unable to comply, you are not Kirk"
  20. Maybe you can upload your pics into an image host such as photobucket or imageshack.
  21. Wow, an SDF-1 on steroid Make it transform and watch this thread explode
  22. Alien 5: Ripleys..... I heard plenty of dumb ideas in 2008, mostly from Hollywood who are trying to make movie based on games/anime and remakes.
  23. Eureka is fine since they surf while destroying other mech, but in MegasKawaXLR, I doubt it will involve any battle at all, if its only basketball match with more Yu-Gi-Oh type teen, I declared it as a heretic.
  24. WTF, MegasXLR playing basket?
  25. Hmm, I'm wondering about one thing, I think most Navy/Air Force pilot (non-VF pilot) will be able to pilot the valk in fighter mode and probably in gerwalk mode, while getting completely clueless in batroid mode (hint: SDF:M hikaru first sortie in VF-1D). I wonder if a destroid pilot board a VF in batroid mode, will he able to use it in gerwalk or firghter mode?
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