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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. I read somewhere that Asuka on the final (movie ending) is not the true Asuka, but a combination of Misato, Rei and Asuka.
  2. Well, they did, however the transmission went into Orguss Universe, into a certain vidscreen.
  3. Well actually I was thinking if she was Alto long lost sister......
  4. What's your photobucket account again? Maybe I can "kidnap" some Klan from there...
  5. Gee, I hope this is the final issue with page about Mylene fashion show . So far most of the Sound Force valk have been covered (except for Ray VF-17 custom), and I love the Jamming Birds girl poster.
  6. Who will be piloting GN Archer? Or is it piloted by Haro or an AI? What is the last time I saw a Haro piloting an MS, maybe from Victory, in 00 I can understand that LockOn need Haro as a copilot and however 00-raiser conveniently also have a Haro as a co-pilot (since Saji is not a seasoned combat pilot?).
  7. The title name, does this got something to do with Battlefield Earth?
  8. More like Hamster-Klan
  9. WTF, you forgot to put NSFW warning....
  10. Wow, Kit Fisto is awesome in epi.11, I bet he could defeat Griveous if only those Magna Guards didn't come.
  11. --stare at Nanase--Take cover!! She's gonna explode!!
  12. Try Last Exile, a steam punk aerial world story. There's several dogfight, aerial races and did I mention huge airship battle?
  13. I just took a peek on the latest Linebarrel episode, which made me rage hard. What the hell are Gonzo thinking, introducing tentacle near-rape to Linebarrel, this anime show just hit a new low on the bottom of Lame-Barrel. I just finished watching Detonator Orgunn, the new Gaiking TV series, currently trying to see if Votoms is good or not.
  14. Wait, there kids and people in Wing Commander Movie? All I remember from that movie is the Tigers Claw, Fraltha, and the dreadnought.... I wonder in live action movie, what are the main character wishes when they summoned the big green thingy.
  15. Step away Alto Hime, Ozma is The Man
  16. Interesting, do they have new lineart?
  17. Well, DYRL got it owns theme song "Ai Oboeteimasuka", and maybe MF:Movie theme song will be "Harem Forever"
  18. I feel sorry for Louise, The way Andrei talks to Louise reminds me of Floyd from CG since
  19. Ship stat? What ship? Darn, need to buy one fast if I had spare cash.....
  20. Macross Chronicle is one of the official publication now which are being used for new information, and we have a translator corps consisting of Gubaba's ( ) eating through all the kanji on the book.
  21. I wish we can have a Macross MEGA FAQ, where all the common Q&A are listed, it will allow faster assimilation for new members
  22. Welcome to this board Now this thread deserve a yoshinol --point finger to Polidread post above--- Argh, a VF-25 girl with a carrot juice....
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