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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. But we love discussing real physics in anime and slaughtering catgirls at the same time
  2. Does the two page fold posters from Chronicle accounted? Since that's the only posters which I have right now.
  3. Maybe SchizophrenicMC is right, Klan somehow managed to deform her body to fit inside the Q-rea. And suddenly I got an image of Klan piloting the Q-rea, with her macronized head and loli-Klan body.......
  4. Please don't, or this will escalate even further, we will have Sheryl, Klan, Nanase, or worst of all, Alto hime and Bobby.
  5. The scale chart of Klan and her Q-rea is just not right. How the hell she could fit herself inside it with those massive thingy. I can assume the leg is stored backward into the thruster not to the leg socket of the Q-Rea.
  6. Klang-klang klang -klang nihao klang Gorgeous delicious deculture Sorry, couldn't resist
  7. Just watched Sora Kakeru Shoujo episode.1, good laugh with plenty of anime parody, I can catch several parodies from Gundam, Gundam 00, Eureka 7 and Galaxy Angel . Not to mention the rogue colony A.I. is somehow modeled after Zero/Lelouch lol. The first episode alone have several parody: - Colony laser...check - Colony drop....check - Jun Fukuyama (Lelouch VA) voicing Leopard A.I. ...check - Leopard saying "I have control".....check - Leopard saying "I can FLYYYYYY"....check - colony solar panel glowing with angel feathers....check - Skimpy Godannar like pilot suit....check - A maid inside a maid....check Definetely a must see anime lol.
  8. Can we exchange our custom valk with Megumi instead?
  9. My image of Southern Cross has been desecrated by the Robotech Heresy, I just couldn't accept huge alien ships which are fueled by flowers and how they violated SDF-1 into a pile of radioactive junk. I also remember several thing from it, like helicopter in space and the monstrosity known as Logan.
  10. Don't forget the twin protodevlin near the end of the series, he voiced one of them, I bet the laughing started to haunted him since then.
  11. I saw a side view of the NUNS space stealth cruiser in GM DX 7.0, but I don't want to buy the entire book just for getting one pic. Darn, I want a true lineart or design book for MF.
  12. Hmm, probably the real aim of the colonization is to "colonize a planet with ancient protoculture ruins on it", who knows, there are probably ancient protoculture ruins directly beneath New Edwards base or under Sharon Apple concert hall in Eden.
  13. Macross 7 is just like Basara, most people will hate it if you see it/him several times, but if you tag along it/him for several episodes more, you will begin to like it. Although I have to admit that the reason I started to watch Mac7 are Battle-7 bridge bunnies. Max and VF-17
  14. Maybe it was MisaForever hand Judging from the helmet beside the album, it was probably Hikaru.....
  15. Not to mention there are scene which are not quite appropriate for children, eg. Alto-Sheryl locker scene, Gilliam being 'juiced' by Vajra.
  16. GN-Archer and Arios will for the leg, Cerubim and Seravee will form the arm, 00 will be the head, the main body is the Ptolemy 2, and the main pilot is Milena.
  17. I'm tired seeing Star Wars film-whatever about Jedi, why don't they mke a new spin-off series about the smugglers.
  18. For a moment I was thinking it was Freedom Gundam
  19. Just finished watching Angel Heart, a very good anime and most of the episodes are just heart moving.
  20. But I think Saji is much more "wiser" than Katz, Katz is just an impulsive newtype-wannabe brat while Saji actually improving himself. So now we will get a Hercules-Bear team? . BTW, IIRC the satelite weapon seems to be fixed in one place, so I assume it was built over the mid-eastern area (Azadistan etc).
  21. These days "original" is a precious commodity. Everytime I want to make an original fan-fiction, it always became a plagiarisms of something else.
  22. I'm going to South Ataria island instead and try to board the secretly rebuild SDF-1, at least I will be safe when the Zentraedi arrive.
  23. They are playing around a blackhole, got suck into it, emerge 1 billion year in the past, became progenitor of Protoculture and the Zentraedi escort became the Zentraedi. The circle is complete.
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