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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Looks like a beam shield to me
  2. There`s a commercial after episode 20 of Destiny, its the Destiny Gundam kit !!!!! It has an impulse body, with Saviour plasma cannon, I can only see it briefly, wait for the RAW to show up, it should have the commercial involving a hobby shop dude with a girl
  3. Check this site : http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/~amis/b-7.htm It has several Gundam Girl based on the Sentinel version. here`s my fav PS: I used the search forum, no thread on this topic yet
  4. Dullindal is the evil guy, I knew it. And I`ll bet Rey will be the pilot of the 'Unicorn' Gundam. Dullindal supposed to be an expert in genetic engineering, I think he created Rey as his personal puppet and give Rey the newtype ability. Rey isn`t assigned to the Impulse because Dullindal need someone as his spy on board the Minerva (if he is assigned to the impulse, he`ll be targeted by enemies, hence can`t do his job as Dullidal hands ). Just my opinion .
  5. Orb new carrier looks nice, it must be specially made to carry those Murasame`s. I wonder if Bandai planned to made Watfield custom Musamame into HG or Msia .
  6. C for Custom I dont remember exactly but the vf-22 from VFX-2 use beam gunpod, as I remembered it, Gamlin VF-22 also used a beam gunpod.... M&M VF-22s use normal gunpod. ----confused--- (Smacking my head against the wall now....).
  7. Bandai 1/144 Saviour is out today, however I`m still waiting for the High Grade Saviour in March . Watched epi.18, there`s a scene which reminded me of the Tolle incident in Seed Saiyaman should have the RAW in a couple of hours.....hopefully.....
  8. Check out the protodevlin vs Basara, and Battle 7 in action Courtesy of Gunota:
  9. This is really funny, some translation from epi.17
  10. BTW, this is the MA that serve as the positron shield for the lohengrim gate Looks like a Dagger type MS riding a Mega Rider from ZZ
  11. Currently I`m in Tokyo untill September, I watched it on TV here (sometimes I missed due to my busy schedule). Saiyaman should have the raw torrent in a few hours, check em http://bt.saiyaman.info/
  12. Just watched epi.17 Laughed at the first half during Meer concert The Lohengrim gate is something else, protected a mobile armor (looks like a dagger riding something ), it capable of wiping out an entire ZAFT strike force. And there`s more....finally.....Lunamaria fanservice.....
  13. wow, gunbuster and buster machine 3 (aka. black hole bomb), that would be interesting, even the SDF-1 and Battle 7 in attack mode is no match for a gunbuster I wonder if they include sound force team in the game, including the protodevlin...hmmmm , very interesting indeed.
  14. Talking about multi-targeting systems, when I see 30 Windams are sent against Minerva, I was hoping that Athrun would go berserk in his Seed mode, I mean firing all the weapons (the rifle and the plasma cannon) as the Freedom did and taking out 30 Windams . Maybe the Saviour is not equipped with such system .
  15. I didn`t know the Saviour could do this I think the cannon is switchable between shoulder and hip mode, cool Athrun is much better in Zaku when he managed to deal some damage to the Chaos, he didn`t even score a scratch to it when he`s using Saviour despite the armaments . Or Sting is getting better.....
  16. Is this one ever released? sorry, couldn`t resist
  17. Probably this one : http://www.xs4all.nl/~tsunami/gallforce/mecha.html I agreed that you all mention that Gall Force mechanic design is unique, I never seen the series itself, I think its too much if a request a scan for any of the book mention above?
  18. I just hope its not used by Basara......
  19. I can`t wait for the HG Saviour which will be released in March, the LG Saviour supposed to be in stores this month. Anyone has a review for the Msia Saviour Gundam? It`s one of my favourite MS in destiny right now
  20. I watch it for the first time in my office only to be chewed up by my Boss, I was laughing so hard I wonder if Triumph will ever `poop` on an anime conventions, lots of cosplay to poop at
  21. Its awesome Its kinda remind me of this: http://bitter.swee.to/gundam.html
  22. I warned u all, don`t watch this in your office.......... Click here
  23. Hey check this out, another trnsforming MS Courtesy of Gunota:
  24. Agreed Gave her more piloting skill and some plot, later upgrading her Zaku to Impulse when Shin got the Destiny. Rei should be given the providence 2 (with newtype ability...)
  25. Only one thing flashed in my mind with an assemble of cast.... Half of them will be dead halfway through the series........start picking your fav character by then
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