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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Hey nice custom of the Zeta Plus Bst there . I made one myself using Zeta plus part and the S-gundam booster part But bad at painting it
  2. Hmmmm, would midichlorians come across with the cloning? Good question. If you read Timothy Zhan's Star Wars book, it is possible to clone a jedi, the dark jedi master in the novel (I believed his name is C'baoth or something) is a clone of the original, and he's a mad jedi. I quess cloned jedi is a mad jedi
  3. Check this out, nice MS based on SEED design http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/~f.kei/page025.html
  4. I just found this on 2ch Thats explain everything....
  5. Found this one while browsing: Its nice to see a zentraedi ship being modeled , however I think the proportion is somehow wrong
  6. If you watched carefully, when Gaia jump to attack Freedom with its wing sabers, Freedom is aiming for someone (could be Saviour), Kira also noticed the Saviour on his left, he`s not shoot it yet since Saviour isn`t fighting like everyone else.
  7. Just watched epi.23 All I can say is Impulse, Gaia, Abyss got some limbs cut down by Freedom. Poor Heine, after some nice performance against Gaia, he`s a goner . Strike rouge appears, with aile pack, not the IWSP, and some action from Watfield, nice helmet . screenshots: http://h-opera.com/
  8. I wonder about those 4 cannons on the destroy gundam backpack, the destroy gundam need to bend over to shoot those cannons, I wonder if the entire backpack is a flight unit . Shinn must not change to Destiny yet, not enough blast impulse action Heine supposed to bite the dust next episode, so no more gouf ignited?
  9. Click here http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?t=30478 for some spoiler
  10. Its nice to see the Strike slicing up some Astray . Maybe the production staff mean it for Strike rouge slicing up the Astray, they just gave it the wrong color
  11. Check out the Colossus Gundam Courtesy of Gunota
  12. Same here.... Couldn`t ...stop....playing.....hipnotized......by.......the music.......... The Lachis type is my fav, it got machine guns, beam sword, funnel, mega beam rifle, beam shield, and its transformable
  13. I don`t know if this has been posted before: http://www12.plala.or.jp/nextframe/flash/s...hSky43Meng.html its quite fun
  14. The one who made this must be a die hard fan of the guntank, he even created the opening for Gundam X in flash, of course, with the guntank instead of the Gundam X http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-P.../guntank_x.html
  15. Try this one for the upcoming episode (spoiler episode 26-30) http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?t=29956
  16. Found another one, a Zeta Gundam Girl in waverider mode (Thinking of valk girl in fighter or gerwalk mode.....)
  17. http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-P...tankgelion.html enjoy...
  18. Mayu`s cellphone secret revealed!!!! http://www.geocities.jp/kenkoudaa/ No wonder Shin always keep it
  19. Epi. 21 is great . Athrun reaction is priceless when he found Meer in his bed . Shin and Stellar, hmmm, I wonder if she is the next four murasame..... . Lots of fanservice in this episode, but nicely done
  20. The Seed Destiny official site has put the Destiny on their mechanic section. Anyone could translate the information written besides it?
  21. What? No borg or holodecks ????? Lame......
  22. GSD has a low rating, I wonder if it could survive untill the final episode Courtesy of Gunota: I wonderif the Nu Freedom an the Destiny is being rushed up to boost the tv rating....
  23. Finally I got the HG Saviour, so far this is the best MS I have in my current collection more can be seen here : http://photobucket.com/albums/v205/Drodius/hobby%20photo/
  24. http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=363325
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