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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. OK, here's my list - Sol Bianca from Sol Bianca - Patrol ship from Banner of the Star - Imperial vessel from Legend of Galactic Heroes - Ark Royal class from Macross 7 - Andromeda from Andromeda - Macross Cannon from Macross 2 - Rodger Young from Starship Troopers - SSD Executor from Star Wars - Warlock class from Babylon 5:Crusade - Eucharis class from Nadesico: Prince of Darkness - Reinforce Junior from V Gundam - Akira class from Star Trek - Rin Nadow Lojn class from Macross - SDF-1 Macross DYRL version - Sulaco from Aliens
  2. Jar Jar Binks (hides.....)
  3. Its a nice picture, but its not very clear, the mech is in fighter mode, I wonder if they are any in the other mode. Thx for the link
  4. Hi there, few years ago I saw an anime with the title Argento soma. There was a variable mecha there use by the hero (a black mecha as I remember). I use google then find out the name of the mecha is SARG, however there are few images of it. Could anyone on this forum help me to find a decent picture of this SARG? (Don't use SARG as a keyword in google image, the results is mostly in form of coffin.... )
  5. Oh dear I just read this :spiderman new costume, and after watching this sentai spiderman..... I don't know what to say.....
  6. Sorry to resurrect this topic. In episode Universal Controller, Megas transform with 4 huge cannon overhead and both arms are covered with missile launchers, reminds me of the Destroid Monster Mk II.
  7. And then Breetai executes Order 66, and all the clones start to macronize themselves and thus begin the great micron purging........ Macross, Revenge of the Zentraedi
  8. Any news?
  9. This is so nightmare to be true.......
  10. Oh yeah, its a giant protodevlin spider . What is this space gandam stuff? A totally rip-off anime?
  11. They should try that again with a true samurai holding the katana, chances are this time the guns will break into two
  12. I hope I posted this on the right forum. I just checked h-opera, and I got shocked with the image of a valk in gerwalk mode wrestling with a giant cockroach . My japanese languange is limited, but I read 'space gundam' in the description. Please someone, I need salvation now......
  13. How I could forgot this one: Rai Thunderjet, I'm reading the manga now and I believe I have seen the anime of it. Fleet battles in Rai thunderjet is very interesting, a submarine type ship, carrier, armored battleship, catamaran style dreadnought . A ship 'sink' to the bottom (???) when they got hit, they even have waving banner in the ships
  14. I think all the Gundam series have naval battles. I remember an anime series which featuring statue like ship involved in a space battles, I think the title is Maps or something
  15. In the past month I have watched Legend of Galactic Heroes, Crest of the Star and its sequel and Nadesico. Both featuring large scale naval battles and I'm looking for more. Now I'm making a list on anime which featuring large scale fleet battles. These are my list, feel free to add. 1. Macross 2. Macross II 3. Macross 7 4. Legend of Galactic Heroes 5. Crest of the Star series (including Banner) 6. Nadesico (TV series and Movie) 7. Vandread 8. Mospeada 9. Southern Cross 10. Space battleship Yamato 11. Exo Squad (not anime in general, but still rocks)
  16. Check this one out: http://www.outthere.info/SG_BAKAC_05/page1.htm Go TIE-BALL
  17. I don't have an account on that forum (and I'm not making one either)
  18. Well, the main goal is to conquer the planet without destroying it. Well there are several methods which I know in planetary invasion. - Dropships attack or jumptroop (starship trooper) - Jamming, city destroyer, and then troops invasion (ID4) - Gas probe, troop invasion via teleporter (Battlefield Earth) - Fleet supremacy, then ascend down with a battlefortress (Macross II) - Full scale suicidal invasion with large number of troops (Genesis climber Mospeada) Somehow I think coming down with a large fleet of battleship should intimidate the population aka 'resistance is futile' SPOILER This is based from the LoGH series when they invade Phezzan and Heinessen, the population practically surrender when they see over 20,000 ships covering the sky.
  19. Hi there, I have been thinking lately if one want to perform a planetary invasion, will he use dropships to deliver the troops to the surface (like starship troopers) or bringing the entire fleet down while terrorizing the enemy ground troops (like Star Wars, geonosian battle). If dropships are used than it would require a command carrier in the orbit for the dropships homebase, likewise it can only carried limited personel (or some military hardware). And if we have a capital ship goes down to the surface, it could delivered more troops and war machine at the same time. Which one do you prefer? Or a combination of it?
  20. Those mini flagship are extremely rare, I found the Lubeck alone at 2,100 yen when I ventured to Akihabara. This is my current collection of the LoGH battleship,
  21. Where's the beam rifle? Did it fall when you fly it?
  22. New pic, cortesy of Gunota: http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/u5purakiya/...a/miyazawa.html The HG Murasame is shown there, not bad. I don't recognize the Hazel, is it equipped with a booster or a gun?
  23. The image said the HG murasame will be released on 17 December with the price of 1,750 yen. I'll probably rewrite the HG Murasame in my shooping list . I don't have enough space for the entire collection in my current apartement here in Tokyo, currently I have six 1/144 HG, two 1/44 sentinel no-grade, two MG zeta plus, one 1/100 VF-2SS and four Alba Creates LoGH resin imperial battleship. Not to mention that every time I increased the size of my collection, my wife will rants all day long .
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