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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Both Anon and BSS make my pc crash, I'm using CCCP pack with BSplayer, vlc player, zoom player even classic mplayer, and not even one work . Darn that Combine Community Crash Program...... I'm gonna give it another try, episode 15 is too awesome to be skipped.....
  2. So whats the new capability of this new KITT? Laser cannon (boring...), Nitro boost (seen that...)...I bet even 007 car have more gadget than this new KITT. I prefer the Goliath than the trans-am. A full armoured semi truck painted in black ravaging the highway, now thats what I call fun.
  3. Probably the best anime episode I ever seen in my life. The battle is awesome, especially when those giant battleship ganmen fight each other. It almost like the final episode of GL .
  4. I saw a fake-nyoro~n fansub in Tokyotosho a while ago. I got the BSS one, its quite good. I cracked up when the word "noob" came out on the sub
  5. ADV has licensed this series I wonder if the fansub will still be released.... I was lucky enough to watch epi.14 on TV and it was awesome. Kiyal ganmen is quite funny, especially when it combine with Kittan .
  6. Just like Radd said. I hope Yoko will be the pilot for the flying ganmen . .
  7. I wonder if the backpack flying ganmen can be piloted.....
  8. A new kind of law enforcer has been made: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&am...84619433C681628 Apparently it lacks umbrella
  9. Is that really a transformer? Autobot has changed into Autobeast........for the love of god....
  10. The scene where Dai-Gurren leap into the air makes me laughing hard . Humanoid battleship are cool
  11. I want to see Megas XLR live action.
  12. The Gundams and its pilot can be seen in this website: http://www.famitsu.com/anime/news/2007/06/...,73434,0,0.html
  13. Some info about the new Gundam from Gunota.
  14. So whats the superhuman power in this universe? Newtype? Seed Mode? Panty mode? And I also want to see some grunt with real fighting capability like the uber grunt in SRW:OG. I'll decide whether this show is worthy or not after i see the female captain for this series........
  15. Wait, the next VF series is a Cybuster
  16. Not even near to Macross. I can see the clip from Firefly, Final Fantasy, Independece Day, Pearl Harbor and Stealth......hmmm....no Top Gun? He should get some CGI scene from VFX-II or Zero to get a more convincing 'fake' trailer.
  17. I think I'll pass this one......and I'll make sure that my son never watch it in the future.
  18. Very impressive. I just wonder how many years it take for the Nazi bots to swim across the pacific to reach Pearl Harbor . I'm hoping that the Nazi bots attack London, and the Jap bot attack Peral Harbor.
  19. Hi guys, I need some advice here. I own a family laptop (Sony VAIO VGN-E50B/S), its been around for 2.5 years now. Few days ago I upgraded the memory by adding a 1 GB RAM. However now I have another problem, the monitor start flickering and usually ended up in a blank screen. I wonder whether I could buy a flat digital monitor to connect with my laptop, or I could send this thing to SONY service (I heard the service is terrible and expensive). I appreciate any suggestion.
  20. Reading this thread reminds me of one of the most interesting space combat anime "GINGA SENGOKU GUN YUUDEN RAI". Its really cool since you got shogun and samurai warrior, riding a battleship with a huge guns and some of the craziest boarding action. Damn I miss this anime I only to manage to collect some of the original manga. back to topic: LoGH is probably the best space military depiction in anime in terms of strategy and troops deployment.
  21. Darn, it request me to download the Megaupload toolbar. The mkv format sucks, all I got is a slideshow (I tried everything, CCCP pack, mp classic). I manage to watch episode 1 at youtube before they remove it Now I need to watch the rest of them.
  22. Some comments about the Nupetiet-Vergnitzs-Class Fleet Command Battleship. I think the ship is issued to all Fleet Commanders, not just Britai. Another Nupetiet-Vergnitzs were present during the factory satellite capture operation, commanded by another Zentran (I forgot his name).
  23. What about Tesla shield? http://www.cheniere.org/books/part1/teslaweapons.htm Its kinda difficult to tell whether the above article is fact or science fiction.
  24. Darn, I read the title and I was thinking Lord of the Ring: Revenge of the King, and I was wandering why Anakin is not mentioned here .
  25. Is there any Gunbuster trading figure? I believe I saw an Exelion trading figure few days ago, but I couldn't find the box for it
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