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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. From Gainax site, Gurren Lagann in horny mode
  2. Is that the pic of the Ptolomeus in the bottom? The would be mothership from Gundam ? http://www.famitsu.com/anime/news/2007/08/...,76669,0,0.html
  3. Yay, a female captain. So Haro will be Lockon partner....and its orange......and it will be talking "lockon...lockon...lockon"
  4. I wonder how Simon can save Nia now, or he had given up on her.
  5. Lol..........Luckily my wife is not with me when I watched that clip
  6. Most of the EU are confusing. I only read the novels from Timothy Zhan and they're very good, probably the best SW novels.
  7. Since Enkidudu was damaged during the fight with the Grapar squad, I wonder if Viral will return using a new mech (Enkidududu), or perhaps in the last episode wil fight along Simon or fighting Simon in Enkindududududududu........
  8. I heard Angelina Jolie is the Grendel mother......
  9. Finally Kyrios in MA mode, I can't wait for the HG/MG Kyrios.
  10. Reminds me of Macross City and the aftermath of spacewar 1, the only thing missing is a huge Fokker statue....
  11. Keith, I want my 5 minutes back....
  12. Probably Gainax will release "Gurren Lagann: The Blank 7 Years" for a certain game console.....
  13. Soundwave weapons? I hope no1 need to sing to activate that weapon . Any dogfight with Itano circus in this series? After finishing Eureka 7 I got addicted to Itano circus themed combat.
  14. I like the design of the new grunt units, especially the Tieren. Any word whether there will be any colony or colony drop in 00?
  15. I missed the opening theme, epi 17 is nice. But, what the hell with the plot twist? I could hardly recognized half of the old crew. Spoiler...
  16. Thats Gurren Lagann, 2nd season, the 1st season has already ended in epi.15. .
  17. Y'eah, cyclone no.4, it already passed Tokyo bay by the time the quake hit. Talking about repetitive disaster . Smaller quakes often hit Tokyo, but still people here always gives pamphlet of emergency evacuation in case the big one comes. What worries me more is that me and my family lives in an old apartment, when a typhoon or a large quakes hit, it can go down any moment .
  18. The shake is quite strong here in Tokyo, it happens yesterday (17-07-2007 around 10 am JST) at 4 magnitude, it shakes again in night around 11 pm. Me and my family are ok here. What I'm fearing that this may be a prelude to the Tokyo dai-jishin (aka Tokyo great quake).
  19. Its a fleet battleship from Ginga Sengoku Gun Yuuden Rai aka Rai Thunderjet. I've been working its 3D model for the past few month .
  20. I just saw epi. 16 on TV, its a recap episode, but you should not miss it, since it was one awesome recap Oh yeah, there's a new ending too.
  21. The second pic, is that a grunt unit MS? The MS design is nice, can wait for the full artwork for it. Yay, the grunt unit design is based on battletech
  22. Its a variant of the Uraga class escort battle carrier. The compendium didn't list this ship but I believed it is listed in Kazutaka Miyatake design work, I'll check it when I got home.
  23. The official website is updated with the MS profile http://www.gundam00.net/ms/index.html I wander what kind of grunt unit they will use in 00.
  24. Its called Thunder in Paradise. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunder_in_Paradise
  25. The theme song from Team Knight Rider is playing in my head now...........I need aspirin .
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