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Everything posted by snakerbot

  1. I'm going to say you probably can't make those plastic clips out of metal, though. The nature of clip-on parts like that is that they need to flex to get over the peg, and while die cast zinc (it's probably zinc) will flex under load, it doesn't do so to nearly the same level that ABS, Nylon, or POM/Acetel do. If you make both the clip and the peg out of zinc, they don't clip together. If you make just the clip out of zinc and leave the peg as whatever plastic they used, then you have a much harder material squishing a much softer material, possibly to the point of permanent deformation. If you make just the peg out of zinc, then well, we're no better off than we are now. Perhaps the entire mechanism should have been designed differently to not use the clips, but just making it out of metal doesn't really work. The wing hinges could probably stand to be zinc though, although I don't think I've heard of those breaking yet. (knock on wood)
  2. Hell yeah! This is news I've been waiting for!
  3. Aren't there doors molded onto the DX? Mine's in battroid mode and I don't feel like transforming it right now, but I think I remember those being there.
  4. Saw the "reseve" button at Hobbysearch, cart jacked at CDJ, but got my order confirmation from HLJ! Woo!
  5. Thanks for the HLJ links guys, got one there!
  6. Hobby search done as well.
  7. Monday is my first day back on a normal schedule after working second shift for the last five weeks. I'm going to have some problems I think.
  8. I never meant to say the color in the pictures is correct, I just meant that it's hard to say whether it's pink, or red, or magenta, or what. My fault for not being clear. That's a relief, but it does beg the questions of what the color actually is, and what the hell kind of lights are they putting on it that could make it look like that if it really is purple?
  9. It seems to depend a lot on the angle the picture was taken from, the lighting, the camera, etc. Different pictures from that same display show a bunch of different colors. Sometimes it looks pink, sometimes, red, even within differently-lighted sections of the same picture.
  10. The gunpod on mine was a little oily. Nothing else though, and no tampo issues on mine.
  11. Hoo, boy. Took it fighter-gerwalk-battroid then back to fighter over the last two days. Getting it to Gerwalk was not nearly as big of a problem for me as getting it back into fighter. It started off well, but I just had the worst time imaginable getting the legs to stay in place. I just could not get the front and rear pegs to both engage at the same time. I think I have it sorted out now, but it took me way longer than it should have. Also, does anyone else have problems with the ankle cuffs popping off? Those little sand blue plastic parts that kind of look like the VF-25's ankles. I've extended the ankle joints, but whenever I bend the feet back for fighter mode those pop loose and slide up the ankle where they just rattle around.
  12. Just picked mine up from the front office. It certainly is a gappy mess in fighter mode right now. I'm hoping that's just a bunch of stuff coming unpegged during shipping and I can massage it into place better when I transform it back later. I have to go to work in about half an hour so I haven't done anything other than put it together and put it on the stand. She certainly is a pretty thing, excepting the gaps.
  13. Hmm. I'm not convinced the model kit had it right, but I'm not convinced these DX shots are right either. Based on episode 13, it seems to be somewhere in between the two. I'm still in for it though.
  14. All you people getting yours already. Mine left Japan 45 hours ago and that's the last tracking update I have. Must be patient...
  15. Snagged this on Mandarake the other day. Now I get to hope and wait for good deals on the Super Sylph and Flip Knight a well.
  16. Apparently pretty good. Got a shipping notification circa 1100 Japan time. Now to incessantly watch the tracking site!
  17. Got mine too. What are the odds they ship it out today instead of Monday?
  18. It looks like https://www.amazon.com/Theatrical-Feature-Macross-Shudisuta-Japan-14210751/dp/B00HHLI1PG/
  19. The VF-17 has a handheld gunpod like most other VFS. It folds up and fits inside one of the legs in fighter and GERWALK modes. It fires through a small port in the leg in fighter mode, but in GERWALK it points upward so it would end up shooting the airframe in that mode.
  20. There are other reasons for canards. Sometimes they function as control surfaces to aid maneuverability, which seems to me like the most likely reason for having them on VFs. The only reason for having them be forward swept that I can think is needing to have the aerodynamic center of the canard in a certain place, and for some reason the entire canard can't just be moved forward. Edit: As an example, the Beechcraft Starship has swing-canards which rotate forward a little to move the center of lift for landing.
  21. Real life. It competed with and lost to the yf-22 for the Air Force's Advanced Tactical Fighter program. The yf-22 was developed into the F-22 Raptor, while the yf-23 faded away. The Advanced Tactical Fighter competition was Kawamori's inspiration for Project Super Nova in Macross Plus, if I recall correctly.
  22. You know, until seeing those shots side by side, I don't think I realized how different those color schemes are. The dark grey and red and lack of gold on the CF make a big difference. Kind of makes me want both, instead of just Roid's to go with my Keith...
  23. mickyg is correct. The Gerwalk joint is not supposed to be all the way flush. That's the way my Rod was coming out of the package, and that's how it fits back together.
  24. I have a question for those of you who have bought pre-owned from amiami before. I'm looking at a couple items, one of which is listed as in condition "B: Good - Item has been opened and contains signs of minor wear or damage. All parts are included." In my mind that sounds like paint scratching, blunted wingtips, possibly worn out or loose fitting missiles, that sort of thing. Does that seem right to you? It isn't a Macross toy if that helps, it's one of Alter's Yukikaze toys.
  25. Fair point on the Air Launcher. I honestly didn't realize how old that one was. I feel like the others are still valid though since they were released at the same time as legends like the Arrowstorm (1993) and Crossbow (1995), as well as Larami's early SuperMaxx line (1994) if you're willing to count those. Now, the Deploy is still bad, but you'd have to work really hard to convice me it's the worst of all time.
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