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Destroid Armour Waxer

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  1. It's not that they're opposite, it's that the linkages on the Cruiser are gendered and the ones on the Renegade are androgynous.
  2. Not sure about a regular fold booster, but Brera has a super fold booster on his when he and Ranka run off near the end of the series.
  3. I haven't seen any of the second season, but this is how I felt about the first. Something I think the movies were really good at was giving a sense of scale and consequence. It really felt like these were world-changing events we were seeing. I didn't find the first season bad, but it felt so much smaller than the movies.
  4. snakerbot

    Macross figures

    They never do.
  5. I remember reading somewhere when I was first getting into Macross back in the mid 2000s about GERWALK being an accident.
  6. The only thing I think of when I read that title is that RPG-maker horror game that honestly looked pretty stupid to me. I know it's based on a traditional folk song, but I heard of the game first, so that's what my mind associates it with. There's an apocryphal story that when Guillermo del Toro and Mike Mignola were in the early stages of the 2004 movie, they both had ideas of who they wanted to play Hellboy. They counted to three to both say their idea at the same time. Both of them said Ron Perlman.
  7. Some of the head on shots had me thinking that there may have been one specific thing I wasn't liking about the thickness of the fighter mode, and that was how far below the intakes the belly of the fighter was. Yes, it's fatter than the Yamato, but at the same time, the intakes on the Bandai are actually smaller than those of the Yamato so it looks even thicker than it is.
  8. Yeah I was going to say something similar. I think the strut is in the right place but there's some weirdness going on with the door.
  9. Do we know what the story is with the VF-171's built-in guns? The VF-17 precursor had six or eight, two beside the cockpit, two in the arms, and the rest on the monitor turret, although the exact models of those is not specified anywhere I can see. The 171 and 171EX have two REB-22 or AMG-30 and two AAB-7B or AAB-9A but I can't see anything saying which of those are where on the airframe. The CG model shows exit ports on both ends of the arms and the guns beside the cockpit are depicted firing something in the show. Looking for similar weapons on other VFs I see: AAB-7(.5) on the YF-21's monitor turret REB-22 in the YF-21's arms REB-20G or REB-23 in the YF-19's wing roots REB-23 in the VF-19P's wing roots REB-30G on the YF-19 and VF-19P's monitor turrets The YF-21 having the AAB-7(.5) on the monitor turret makes me think the AAB-7Bs or AAB-9As are on the 171's monitor turret. Given that the REB-22 in the YF-21 have twin exit ports, it makes sense to assume those are the ones in the 171's arms, but on the movie 171 and the 171EX those are replaced with projectile guns, and I'm not sure projectile guns with twin exit ports make all that much sense.
  10. "Just" is doing a whole lot of work in that sentence. The reason is because the Yamato legs are already bigger than the nacelles. Take a look it this image from anymoon.com: The ankles are very nearly touching each other at the centerline of the plane, but the nacelles are nowhere close to the centerline.
  11. The point of Macross is that it's not supposed to be "Earth vs the universe". Every Macross series is fundamentally about how war is dumb and bad and completely unnecessary if we could just communicate better. Zero featured an alien death machine whose entire purpose was to destroy humanity if we hadn't figured out how to live in peace. SDF had a race of aliens who were almost identical to humans and a marriage between one of those aliens and a human and their first child was a major plot point in showing how the two races could come together. Plus wasn't really a war story, but the conflict between Guld and Isamu was entirely predicated on a misunderstanding. In 7 for pretty much the entire series Basara was just trying to reach out to the Protodeviln with his music, and once the Protodeviln realized they could use music to generate their own spiritia they didn't need to fight anymore. The Vajra in Frontier were only attacking because they didn't understand humanity and thought one of their own had been kidnapped. Once Sheryl and Ranka's song got through to them they stopped fighting and just left. I don't remember much of Delta and I haven't seen II so I won't comment on those. You can see an "Earth vs the universe" theme in SDF, but the other series decided to expand upon a theme from it that wasn't that one.
  12. Holy backpack, Batman.
  13. This is my #1 wish from Bandai right now. I love that design so much.
  14. Hang on, so what's the story with the -19's engines? The M3 lists the YF-19 as having the FF-2500E with 67,500kgf thrust each, replacing the FF-2200B with 56,500kgf each. Meanwhile, the VF-19A is listed as having those same FF-2200Bs, along with a note that says it "has been fitted with more powerful engines originally designed for the prototype". Given that note, I would expect the VF-19A to have the FF-2500E.
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