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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. So... did BigWest Trademark the transformation secuence/Modes from all the Macross Mecha? This seems important
  2. Chapter #8 and #9 are up! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13753918/1/Folded-Dreams-English
  3. I enjoyed DeusEx A LOT so this game is a MUST for me
  4. Amazing... we're even closer to Mars now... thanks Elon
  5. Sorry, already posted. Anyway... AMAZING work, and the song is pretty cool too.
  6. Chapter #6 and #7 translated too. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13753918/1/Folded-Dreams-English So... is ok to translate "Chatarra" too? What do you guys think? Edit: Chapter 42 is now Online... one more and THE END! https://www.wattpad.com/story/166811078-folded-dreams In Spanish
  7. Chapter #5 is done! I'm getting used to work with the translation Software and the process is getting straightforward. I hope there is gonna be less errors in the future https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13753918/1/Folded-Dreams-English
  8. Chapter #4 is up too. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13753918/1/Folded-Dreams-English Edit: I think Chapter #1 is free of errors... I hope.
  9. Best soccer player in the world, no doubts about that... sadly the drug addiction and bad life decisions destroyed the man. R.I.P
  10. Chapter #3 is translated.
  11. Chapter #2 is up too. Fixed some errors on Chapter #1 as well. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13753918/1/Folded-Dreams-English
  12. I tried a new translator tool that seem to be pretty good (Still has a lot of weird errors, but those I think I can fix by hand) So this is the first chapter of Folded Dreams in English... please ignore all the weird sentences, I'll try to fix everything eventually https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13753918/1/Folded-Dreams-English
  13. Chapter 41 is now On-Line Remember these little guys...? https://www.wattpad.com/story/166811078-folded-dreams In Spanish
  14. Tomorrow starts the Free-Flight Event in Star Citizen and you can test all the ships for free across the weekend.
  15. Bienvenido che!
  16. The GameMaster set up the table with these MODs There was a bag of miniatures tu choose from, some where animated but I didn't explore to much... I just grab one for my archer.
  17. Had my first D&D Rol session yesterday on Tabletop Simulation... it was an AMAZING experience (We played for like 5 hours)
  18. I'm not an expert but I think you are wasting your time there... there is no "Perfect" Valkyrie when translating 2D art to 3D.
  19. Sorry... that was me... just having some fun with a meme trending in the Latino Anime fanbase... it wasn't because recent news or anything
  20. Chapter 40 is now On-Line Did you say 100 mm armor penetration...? https://www.wattpad.com/story/166811078-folded-dreams In Spanish
  21. Chapter 39 is now On-Line Yeah... it doesn't look good. https://www.wattpad.com/story/166811078-folded-dreams In Spanish
  22. We have, but without the "children get candy from stranger houses" thing... too dangerous for that. Only parties and stuff.
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