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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. I have an ARMD without textured in 3DMax format.
  2. Habria que organizar una partida comunitaria un dia de estos...
  3. Nope, you can use the PS3 as a server for your Adhock games in the internet, but you must play in the PSP screen. If you want to play PSP games on a big screen just buy a cable and plug it to the TV, no PS3 needed.
  4. Gerli

    Macross 30

    This. I mean... HG can't do anything to DLC's sold in Japan PSN. Right?
  5. It's dead Jim. But in other order of things, the people behind Homeworld is working in a new game... and looks great. http://kotaku.com/more-beautiful-art-from-hardware-enjoy-472578072
  6. Nice first episode! Amazing space battles too....Gunbuster came to my mind during the fight sequencing... I like it.
  7. There is a reference to Macross mecha in "Ready Player One", I'm still reading it so no spoiler please Edit: Sopilers ahead.
  8. Algo mas de data http://www.fayerwayer.com/2013/02/fw-interviu-los-argentinos-creadores-del-film-robotech-valkyrie-project/
  9. I like it
  10. I know (I have Ultimate Frontier) the only problem is the language barrier and the costs (import games from japan to Argentina is a real pain in the back... I almost lost my Macross 30 copy in the customs )
  11. It's seem that PSP games can be now be played in "modified" PS3... I know... I know, but this whole HG thing and the small niche that prevent for these games to be more accessible in Occident really makes me cheer for these things... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BqvUiP47lFg
  12. Name of that game? It's a custom skin?
  13. Just go far away, change to sniper rifle and blow up the horns, another way is go battroid and hide in lower terrain, so the beam attack is blocked by a cliff and can't hit you.
  14. ¿Nadie mas lo esta jugando? Yo recien empiezo el segundo mapa (Desierto) despues de haber terminado todas las quests del primer mapa!
  15. Disappointed with Simcity... in every aspect. Everybody wants Simcity4 in 3D, nothing more... but no, let's go social, singleplayer is bad for business... well, f***.
  16. I almost wrote about the gerwalk mode in the photo but... nah.
  17. That color scheme....
  18. Another important tip is that damage from the gunpod decrase with the distance, so if you want to kill something quick, do it in close combat.
  19. Yup, found mine in top of a little pillar, but with the ski as background is hard to see.
  20. I'm having troubl;e with a guild quest, I need to find something called "Course Lvl 4 plans" or something like that, I searched the blue area in the map but no luck, maybe it's a item that drops from the enemys in that zone?
  21. Got mine on a quest in the first map, Lvl 8 guild quest or something... very easy
  22. The IA is terrible avoiding objects, they get stuck in cliffs and rocks, a City would be a nightmare for the IA
  23. Chapter 15 All Chapters in EPUB https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyMkVGYWsyOHJZX0U/edit?usp=sharing Fancfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/15/Chatarra (Spanish Only)
  24. Que lindo seria que la Scene se cope y lo traduzca (ni hablar si hacen la maravilla que hicieron con el VOXP)
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