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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. Te quedó GENIAL!
  2. It's much easier for Tabletop Simulator
  3. Indeed... first the "leak" about the Robotech GBA Game Remake for the Switch, now this....
  4. I edited my post with the link to the WIPO page and the PDF's in Google Drive
  5. Yes, the documents are legit. The FB user Teddy Gorospe shared the PDF's https://euipo.europa.eu/eSearch/#details/trademarks/016790421 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13ptC8cd0mXs_COleoyhKMZlqfhBu2PKq They are in Italian, but a lot of translations are now posted on Facebook This one is from Teddy Gorospe
  6. Not sure if this is the best place to ask so... there are a lot of news regarding BigWest droping the arbitration to the WIPO because they want to discuss with HG... Can we make a thread to discuss that? @azrael
  7. Cyberpunk 2077 looks AMAZING with the last Patch.
  8. Los invito a visitar este Servidor de Discord que hemos creado para los Fans de habla Hispana (Y por supuesto del resto del mundo) en donde podrán compartir chats y streamings de todo lo que tenga que ver con esta apasionante saga. https://discord.gg/4FvNsyY Saludos!
  9. -Mom, Can we get Itano Circus -We already have Itano Circus at Home The Itano Circus at Home:
  10. Last episode of Attack on Titan was Amazing... and sad.
  11. Chapter #10 and #11 are up. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13753918/1/Folded-Dreams-English I'm starting to write a new draft for a different kind of story... one centered mainly on Fleet to fleet warfare and carrier operations. I need to define well the setting and timeline, but I'm looking for using the VF-171 as main Fighter for the story and the Dimensional Weapon Technology already in operation (So after or during Macross Delta Timeline) I have a lot of ideas, but I like the one where the NUNS launch a preventive attack on a Zentradi Super-Fortress-Shipyard installation where a new fleet has began the first steep in the process of being manufactured, with the intention to destroy de Super-Fortress before it becomes operative and seize the installation for resources and technology. I have a lot of details to work, but I think it can be a good story to write
  12. Attack on Titan is getting better every damn chapter....
  13. Desde acá te hacemos el aguante Ojalá te llegue todo bien. Post pics when it arrives
  14. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=450952496026758
  15. Bienvenido che, parece que vas a tener que "Forear" un poco antes de poder postear ahi XD
  16. Folded Dreams is Officially Finished! Chapter 43 and the Epilogue are now On-Line! Thanks everybody for the patience. https://www.wattpad.com/story/166811078-folded-dreams In Spanish I'll work on the translation now, so the book can be read in English too. Bye!!!
  17. From "Magic Andes" on Netflix https://www.netflix.com/ar/title/81154549 Edit: He is a Maintenance Staff member on the ALMA Telescope Array in the Atacama Desert on Chile!
  18. Thanks for the extra info. Even so... trademark the transformation sequence only for take down Bootleg toys... it's seem excessive, maybe it's just one part on a more complex strategy. Anyway... it was a very interesting piece of news, back to the mecha then.
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