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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. So... yeah, they killed the "Alternative" project too. https://www.facebook.com/pvalkiria/posts/862687460414466?stream_ref=10 They cancel the project because they don't have the resources to make original content. Ok. it was fun while it lasted....
  2. *This App is not compatible with your Shitty Phone Sorry for being poor
  3. I'm in. Do you accept Argentine Pesos?
  4. I'm going to start saving to travel to the states and dance in front of their building that day...
  5. Oh god why?
  6. What? Nobody like Zero? It's one of my favorites! (For reference, this is my list) DYRL>Plus>Zero>MacrossTV>M7>Frontier>Macross2>Frontier Movies>FB7
  7. And Farewell to Arms? is about an ambulance driver in WW1...
  8. Before the Robotech-Heidi Crossover? Really?
  9. Kawamori did a really mature approaching to this theme in Earth Girl Arjuna if I remember correctly...
  10. Huy, el ultimo enlace no lo conocía, gracias Milkautico
  11. Dude... Let it go....
  12. Indeed my friend.
  13. LOTGH only taught me about the beauty of some men
  14. We need Galactic Nazis in the Macross Universe....
  15. As a writter of a FanFic that revolves around a lot of Meltran characters I can tell you that the gigant breast jokes and gigantess fetichism are not funny after two or three chapters
  16. Where there was fire, ashes remain...
  17. But Michael ears yes, definitely And Ranka's hair too, rivers of digital ink were spent discussing that.
  18. And remember the people complaining about the CG in the missiles with low polygon counter... yep
  19. I remember arguin about the "r" and "o" in the Frontier logo looks more like "Flantier" than "Frontier"
  20. Thanks man, I'm hoping to finish this before the new TV series arrives... or all my elaborated scenario and theory will become an "Alternate-Universe" So... new chapter and sorry about the breast jokes.. I know that i'm abusing this theme but.... Meltran breast are very important in this story... really Chapter 38 EPUB https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyMkVGYWsyOHJZX0U/edit?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/38/Chatarra In Spanish
  21. No esta mal, pero ese concepto de que los mechas sean conscientes me tira la historia muy para abajo... supuestamente muchos futurologos opinan que la humanidad va a tener que, eventualmente, transformarse en una forma de vida digital y eliminar lo organico si quiere sobrevivir en el universo por lo que.... no es nada alejado de las espectativas. Edit: i don't know why but I start writing this in spanish and I FORGOT that this is a english forum, sorry Not bad, but the concept of sentient mecha makes me feel uncomfortable... I mean, some futurologist predict that the humanity will need to become digital and left the organic body behind to survive and expand across the universe but... today that concept seems weird. Btw, cool story bro!
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