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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. Muy buena Sidonia, ultra atrapante la historia. Ping pong empecé a verla hace poco (Dos episodios nomas) pinta interesante.
  2. You are one of them. You can't be trusted.
  3. There is no spoon then....
  4. I didn't know that.
  5. Is amazing how a simple idea can evolve into a very complex story... last time I check the page count in my google doc document it was like 250 pages long already... and i'm still not done introducing some characters
  6. Just another point of view of the same story, it's not necessary an alternate universe...
  7. ...and yet we still continue to buy the extended edition of that
  8. Chapter 40 EPUB https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyMkVGYWsyOHJZX0U/edit?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/40/Chatarra in Spanish
  9. And he asked specifically for the bridge bunnies to be very young women, right?
  10. What about a prequel? lets say.... in the times of the Stellar Republic? that would be awesome... the rise and fall of the protoculture; a lot of thinks can be done there: new mechs, new enemy.... the possibilities are almost unlimited.
  11. Where I can buy HG shares? After this statement, their stock value is gonna skyrocket!!!
  12. The same group that translate "The First" to Spanish is working in the next volume... but man....those watermarks... it's too much....
  13. Wow... very nice!!!
  14. Chapter 39 EPUB https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyMkVGYWsyOHJZX0U/edit?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/39/Chatarra In Spanish
  15. Very cool!! I know escenery can be exported from FSX to X-Plane so maybe you want this when it's done
  16. Join some Spanish Facebook Group, it's reposted a million times.. Like this https://www.facebook.com/groups/macrossrobotech/
  17. Seeing how the comunity can "mod" some PS3 games... Why we can't "mod" this game and translate it? :mad:
  18. To avoid problems with HG?
  19. I'm think it was the censorship of some scenes of extreme violence.
  20. Some pics from my South Ataria for FlightSimulator X project. Still Work in Progress, I'm still learning how to use some tools (For the ground mesh mostly) but I'm happy with the result:
  21. Those VF's kissing.... can't unsee
  22. Very cool Just check the illumination... seems like there are multiple sources of light (From above and below) and some in the rear.
  23. Well maybe "resources" it's not just about the money, but people, or ideas or whatever... it's over now.
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