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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. Yep and look how they remove all the references to Macross from the short images... there are some soldiers, trucks, explosión... but NONE of the CG that we can see previous to the C&D letters...
  2. Two years? Two years We still have the Robotech Academy tough...
  3. Do some weapons... like Missiles and Gunpods (So later you can use them on your next proyect) Fastpacks, etc.
  4. Sorry, that was a misinterpretation for my part. The boundaries of military and government are pretty unclear in Macross but... I suppose we don't know that. That and because my english vocabulary is a little short Thanks for pointing that.
  5. Someday I going to translate that... probably Great chapter, I left you a Review on FF !!!!
  6. Thanks dude. So the Alpha Bombay blood is not biological related with the Bombay Phenotype, it's just had similar name (maybe the chemical composition is similar, but the two types of phenotype are separated, like two unrelated species who evolved the same way on different part of the planet)
  7. So... those things in the back are foots? it TRANSFORMS???
  8. She had ONE JOB
  9. Thanks man, awesome data!!
  10. When doing some research for my fanfict I come across some references about the blood type "Alpha Bombay" that we see in Zero. there is a Bombay phenotype but not an "Alpha" one, so I asume that the Alpha is, indeed, an ancester of the modern one. The problem is about the differences that the old can have with the "present" one as we know that many Mayan people survive the war and where living in UNSpacy ships. Maybe the joined the military as Mao did?
  11. Maybe... Phobos itself TRANSFORMS INTO A GIANT MECHA *Gasp*
  12. Sharing is caring....
  13. I don't think Creavision is working for free in this.... even if the campaign is succesful or not, someone has to pay the CG work.
  14. Cool If you come across some files that contains a database for items or images for the game interface, maybe you can share them, ready for who wants to start a translation-patch project. Good luck with your work dude.
  15. This? So...when Creavision rant on the oficial FB page about the C&D THEY ALREADY were working for HG... But they just didn't know yet!!!
  16. First for not releasing a full short and avoid all the C&D fiasco Second for accept working for HG Third because complaint in internet is free
  17. Controversy aside, I think that what is more important for the community is extract some of the Menu and item files so we can transla... nah, nevermind, that would require a pirate PS3...
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