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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. My english is so bad... I can't understand this... I mean.. i know those words, but the meaning.... it doesn't make sense. Even Google translates that wrong.
  2. Chapter 43 EPUB https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyMkVGYWsyOHJZX0U/edit?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/43/Chatarra In Spanish (And with better plot than Robotech Academy)
  3. Wow.... just.... WOW. I hope Cesar get paid for this....
  4. Maybe they can made another where the meteor that crash in Buenos Aires was a alien starship and they rebuid it.... nah, just joking
  5. I know, but the fact that they were already list the kickstarter as a #5 Fail it's funny enough
  6. ​A Brief History Of 5 Failed RobotechSequelshttp://io9.com/a-brief-history-of-5-failed-robotech-sequels-1608968158
  7. Nice Pod cast! I'm playing it and I love it (I'm a PC gamer, but I get a PS3 to play with my family and friends) I'm still in the desert map tough
  8. And... today Io9 made an article about that, even mentioning the estrange Bombay Phenotype and the mystery that surrounds blood types.... crazy timing http://io9.com/why-do-we-have-blood-types-1608502764?utm_campaign=socialflow_io9_facebook&utm_source=io9_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
  9. It depends...... if they know the definition of "shame" or not
  10. This. Because (Apparently) they have the incomplete set no one can know if the plane had civilian ID (transponder, etc) (This is the complete Buk system, but they have only the one with the radar dome)
  11. Happy Friendship/Friend Day! (Whatever is pronounced) Have some Best Friends Pics
  12. They are failing because there are almost nothing to see: A ship and an asteroid/academy, two character designs... that's all? Show us some Academy interiors, all the main characters, some battles, some music at least.... they can't do this thing "on the road"... or can they? is better if they can take the time to do something right, the level of organization and planning in this campaign is way lower than the FanFilm from Creavisión. I'm going to buy dollars in the black market to support this.
  13. It's called "Early Access" now. Now they sell even the "privilege" of play a beta or even an alpha... the gamers get bored even before the game is full released....
  14. Hey... it's just like with Kerbals... when in doubt, add more boosters.
  15. ¿Remember when Betas were called "Shareware?
  16. Sorry, that thing about the two years was very unfortunate... I'm know that feeling... really
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