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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. For example, a guy wrote that this video is a "dirty campaign" and his 80k suscribers, if they were pledging $100 each the KS could have been saved....
  2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/macrossrobotech/ I hope the Creavision guys get paid for their work but.... HG.
  3. OMG in the LatinAmerican community they're talking about "Hate Campaign" Where is the leftover Popcorn...?
  4. Hey, they put some background music in the Robotech.com website https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCLoNOYcVQU
  5. Guys.... thanks for everything. The laughs, the popcorn, the drama.... ah the memories!
  6. Sorry, is not in English. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0gWrTcdodk Nice design there japan
  7. Seems like a Google translation to me. Memo was a spanish speaker, right? When the Valkyrie Project fiasco happened I remember this guy wrote a lot in the robotech spanish forum (always with caps on)
  8. My country just went into default, sorry HG, we can't help you.
  9. 8 days to go... I'm gonna miss this thread (And the popcorn)
  10. I don't think CREAVISION will stay close to HG after the KickStarter fail... but who knows?
  11. Jajajajaja, they stole it from Transformers!!!!
  12. Amazing....
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