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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. I posted about this comic in our spanish Macross/Robotech Facebook page and everybody like it.
  2. All my money.jpg
  3. Guys, I need help with something... where is the landing light on the VF-1 front landing gear? Is this circular thing? Because the reference that i'm using don't have it. This is my 3d model
  4. Sure, why not? Eventually....
  5. Not Space Pirates, I already have those in my Fanfic...
  6. Hey, Shin and Sara are still out there... and I don't think they made a FOLD to nowhere. I bet they're with some protoculture/Supervition Army survivors.
  7. I love the colors in the Brawler type
  8. They're still angry about the Kickstarter and the Gundam/Macross-Ship-Thing
  9. Tried this topic in our little Spanish Macross-Robotech FB Page... it didn't end well People turn really upset with those little details.
  10. Yay! More Fan-Fic material (?)
  11. Last chapter of 2014 and thanks to all of you for the oportunity to share my work with all the fans. See ya next year!!!! Chapter 51 EPUB https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyMkVGYWsyOHJZX0U/edit?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/51/Chatarra In Spanish
  12. Thanks! I'm gonna make my own VF-1 for this project but as a scenery object, later we can add some more detail and make it usable. And yes, there is a LOD system.
  13. Hahaha yes, I'm 35 years old so I know that (Never had one, only VHS) Just kidding
  14. What's a BETA Format?
  15. This, a thousand times this
  16. FSX on Steam at $5 only for two days http://store.steampowered.com/app/314160/
  17. Moving into the "interactive" part of the scenery I begin working with the civilian Airport... it's seems civilians and military share the same airport so I transform one of the plataform in a passangers terminal. I don't have data about this so I used a building that I made some years ago from an Argentinian airport and changed the name It's not much futuristic but for a regional airport... it's ok I guess... (Maybe I should add some UNSpacy flags and other things)
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