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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. After all... Kawamori tends to keep those mysterys... well, mysterys
  2. There is a new versión of this game. http://www.macrossrobotech.com/bajar-juegos-jugar-online-anadir-skins-f139.html
  3. Finished all the books last year... I liked it. http://io9.com/the-real-story-about-that-wheel-of-time-pilot-that-aire-1684773094?utm_campaign=socialflow_io9_facebook&utm_source=io9_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow The Harmony Gold of Fantasy Books?
  4. Chapter 52 EPUB https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyaDJ6ZExETDN0NWM/view?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/52/Chatarra In Spanish
  5. So... who buys the popcorn this time...? not me, I only have Pesos...
  6. In Spanish we have an old say for recurring things: "¿Otra Vez Sopa?" (Soup Again?)
  7. Love it
  8. Done texturing
  9. Missed the #19, listenning now!!!
  10. I don't know, but THIS is how the interior of a FOLD jump needs to look in a Macross game My Aurora LN is ready guys
  11. hahahaha
  12. VF-1 Engine, testing how it looks in the simulator without textures.
  13. Nice!
  14. Hmm... if he knows that I post here I wonder why he never asked for permission to use that image... it's just a little project, not an original work of art or something...
  15. Don't worry, Einstein didn't like Quantum physics either...
  16. Another mechanical question guys... the VF-1 engines... I have pretty cool images for refrences but... it seems like the engines are a little "short" for the legs. It's some part that I am missing between the air intake and the exaust?
  17. Not sure if counts but... some Robotech fan use an image from my MACROSS project for FlightSimulator X Come on dude...! it's not even FINISHED!!
  18. Just... wow http://io9.com/heres-a-photo-of-something-that-cant-be-photographed-1678918200?utm_campaign=socialflow_io9_facebook&utm_source=io9_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
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