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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. Ser un fan hardcore de Robotech debe ser MUY dificil....
  2. Debe ser la unica fuente estable de ingresos para HG... cada 5 años revender los derechos de la pelicula de Robotech Para el 2020 la compra Disney, recuerden mis palabras
  3. Abro este tema para discutir entre nosotros sobre cosas que no ameritan un thread exclusivo... ademas somos pocos ¿Que opinan del Live-Action de Robotech? ¿Humo o hay alguna esperanza para sus maltratados fans?
  4. Latin America just exploded with this news.... man, get over it already....
  5. Sure!
  6. Yep, mostly from the Artbooks, but some panels from The First have some interesting details about the island and I use that too. The rest... yep, filling with my imagination
  7. Hahaha I see it now... crazy!
  8. I don't get it
  9. 0:29 That's totally a Destroid (Or a Metal gear)
  10. Basara was right, only the music can tame these beasts...
  11. A lot of my story revolves around that, but not as " tradition" with the human significant, it's about the militaristic traditions and how the continue warfare transforms and how the Zentradis can adapt to it, because they can keep records of their battles (And that's the work of the " Archivists") and therefore can study and change tactics according a similar situation that they already know.
  12. Nice! Ooops, I didn't see this early Spanish indeed, my English is still too basic to write with comfort.. maybe when I finish the story I can translate to English.
  13. Keep dreaming... it's a lot of work man
  14. Spoted by Osvaldo Dufau That blue robot looks familiar.....
  15. This guy need to get a job with a labor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqe4VO0fd54
  16. Aaaand... this is what you do when you have 76 Million dollars from crowfunding
  17. Nice!!
  18. Ahora que lo pienso, con Shingeki no Kyoshin tambien nos estan haciendo esperar DOS años
  19. Nice setting man. I'm using Zentradi troops too as part of my story and the posibilities are endless... mostly because we know very little about them outside the Boddol-Zel fleet.
  20. Chapter 53 EPUB https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfybDhROFdxdE41YkU/view?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/53/Chatarra In Spanish
  21. La verdad, esto de anunciar algo a mas de dos años de que salga me parece una canallada... cada vez que veo que el thread en el foro principal se actualiza entro todo esperanzado a ver si hay news... que injusticia che!
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