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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. Awesome, looking forward to watch it
  2. Kawamori posted some tweets regarding his health but he deleted them soon after... hope he is well.
  3. Chapter #2 of "Cannon Fodder" is now On-Line https://www.wattpad.com/story/269117459-carne-de-cañón Is Spanish
  4. Just a couple of Admin Notifications from two different Facebook Groups banning that particular user. First is from Macross Peru and Second from Comunidad Macross Robotech, from Argentina.
  5. Please don't put us all together in the same bag; Latin American communities despise this behavior as much as other fandoms across the world and we have ZERO tolerance for trolls or toxic people. Groups from Perú and Argentina already take actions about that user.
  6. She was trolled by a well-know troll from the Latin-American Macross Fandom, we managed to ban him from a couple groups for defamation and by spreading false information (He claims to have read an Interview where Kawamori says Mari Ijima was a problematic cooworker or something like that) Of course he never posted a link, time-frame or source for that.
  7. There is a Free Fly event in Star Citizen until Next Week and all the ships are avaible to fly. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/download Seems they got the servers right tis time: no random crashes and the patch is very stable.
  8. A very good job. There are a couple errors in the 3D models and composition, but it's a very cool short. Hope we can see more from him.
  9. Well, here it is... my new story. https://www.wattpad.com/story/269117459-carne-de-cañón "Cannon Fodder" it's a war story about an imminent NUNS offensive against unknow Zentradi forces and the struggle that arises because of the military burocracy, corruption and general incompetence across the galaxy. Hope you guys like it.
  10. I agree... the risk is too high and the backlash from an hypothetical failure could be legendary, but I think this technology would shine with VR support; That is gonna be the selling point for a real Star Wars experience and Disney surely would be interested on that.
  11. Star Citizen is pushing the limits of what can be done in a 3D engine... even if it fails (I hope don't) the Tech is going to be a revolution. A Star Trek or Star Wars game with this Tech can be done too...
  12. Star Citizen showed the first 1km ship in-game I hope someday we can see a SDF-1 of that level of detail in a game
  13. I'm currently working in a Fanfic involving a lot of Fleet combat against "Uncultured" Zentradi and the battle escenes with these guys are pretty intense... they have a lot of weapons and are pretty nimble in the right hands.
  14. La verdad... nadie se esperaba esto. A ver como evoluciona todo, recuerden que se acerca el 40th aniversario.
  15. Star Citizen is having a Free-Flight Event right now. You can Download the Alpha and explore the first Star System with a couple of free ships. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/download (If you like the game and want to pledge, you can msg me and ask for a referral code to get some goodies in-game)
  16. Aprovechen que este es el unico tema de MW en donde se puede hablar de esto ahora que cerraron el thread "oficial" Igual mucho mas no hay que agregar... Claramente HG se benefició mas con la publicidad que todo esto generó que con lo que este nuevo arreglo va a redituarles a futuro.
  17. It would be too good to be true.
  18. I feel bad for them... it's like that scene from Life of Brian where the guards struggle to not laugh
  19. Is not relevant if no one talks about it
  20. Igual... ya no era guerra, era una masacre... HG solo recibió el perdón para seguir con vida. Robotech está en estado vegetativo desde hace años y ahora lo va a estar indefinidamente.
  21. And even if they managed to convince BW to show the movie in USA with the "Robotech" names, they are still forced to re-cannon all the shitty comics and sequels with that movie... likely with some time-travel sh*t or something. For example... if Sony uses Mikimoto characters from The First for the movie, imagine HG trying to fix this into their lore:
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