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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. It's a touch thing.... no key needed.
  2. Why not just activate the ancient ice-melting machine that the ancestral martians left buried on the ground? Jeez... always with the complicated ways you guys....
  3. Great episode guys!!!
  4. So... Liquid water on surface/near surface of Mars confirmed? Amazing...
  5. I'm only pausing the game to watch the BloodMoon
  6. That sounds like a spinoff story from Macross Plus
  7. The Russian are building an awesome airshow in Syria..... because this is for an airshow, right? ...right?
  8. You can Fulton the walkers with the guards still riding them? uff... I made that mission killing the guards before fulton them... if I only I knew this....
  9. So... it's a triangle but made with only two shapes.... interesting. Academy? I wish they start a Kickstarter... LOL
  10. Hype train is entering FOLD Space now...
  11. Loving the game, still in Central Africa because did A LOT of SideOps missions in Afganistan. Fun and complex game, the history is awesome too
  12. Amazing trailer! Can't wait to watch it!
  13. That's... AWESOME Thanks for the translation
  14. Robotech KILLS Bridge Bunnies Never Forget
  15. Awesome! Thanks Renato!
  16. It's so... technical. Maybe the new series i'ts about engineers? Or architects...? Or Plastic Models makers? Also that blue sky.... Will it take place in a planet? Time to leave the emigration fleets behind..? So many questions...
  17. I need to resume the work on Chatarra soon... TWO months without updates? Outrageous!!!
  18. Good luck with the project!!!
  19. Yes, the same format indeed.
  20. Make a 3D model with Gmax Export to MDL format Create a Scenery Library with that object Put the object in FlightSimulator Those are the basic steps.
  21. One more!
  22. VT-1 In Game
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