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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. I don't know... they are feeling... Betrayed? The rant is epic in the community
  2. Maybe... maybe there was a civilization already living in that planet with all the fantasy style and stuff and the just adapted the Humanity Valkyries? I don't know... looks cool, I wnt to know moar!!
  3. Oh man, Facebook across south america is in flames right now So much rage... why all the hate?
  4. I'm using Google Drive for the Backups And about the cockpit... sure! Eventually I need to learn a lot about aircrafts, configurations and effects.
  5. And sorry for the black video at the end
  6. I made one of the models fly... or something. Still a lot of work to do but I'm a little closer to have actual AI aircraft flying around the island
  7. Amazing Gubaba, we're very gratefull for your hard work and the oportunity to read these rare gems lost in time. You're awesome!!!
  8. Me queda algo lejos Al del jardin japones probablemente vaya, asi saludo a los pibes.
  9. Dejo esto aqui por si alguien está interesado en participar.
  10. Chapter 60 Back with Micronized Virya and the Meltrans EPUB https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyWTJaWlM1OXNzSWs/view?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/60/Chatarra In Spanish
  11. Thanks! To think you can walk around that ship meanwhile out there dozen of player fly spaceships or are engaging in combat in first person trying to board you... it's amazing. Can't wait.
  12. Some screenshoots from SQ42 All In-Game And from Arena Commander 2.0
  13. Have yo seen the last fighter? Man.... the Macross feeling is strong in this one....
  14. No Macross, "Gattai" transformations didn't count
  15. Nice work!!!
  16. CitizenCon was AWESOME They showed A LOT of thing and the casting for the game... incredible. Also consider using my referral code STAR-TC2F-JDFV if you want to help a fellow Macross fan in the 'verse
  17. Tomorrow (Bah.. today) is CitizenCon Maybe we can see crazy stuff like this
  18. Chapter 59 EPUB https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyWTJaWlM1OXNzSWs/view?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/59/Chatarra Some character development for the main protagonists... in fact this "date" under the VF-17S2 is the first time in 59 chapters that these two are alone and can talk to each other. Anyway.. as always, in Spanish
  19. Looks AMAZING!
  20. Hahaha great! However we all know who is gonna wincof-cof-VB-6 König Monster-cof-cof
  21. I can't find the Draken but... it shoud be there too
  22. I didn't know there was a thread for this amazing game. Thanks for moving the post here. If anyone wants to fly together in a race or dogfight, my player name is drgerlix
  23. Loving the new Star Citizen Ship... just look at that space lettuce! 10/10 would pay $900 for that
  24. A liquid-metal valkyrie, just transforms in wathever form it likes (?)
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