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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. Because the lack of Macross make us cretive people (?)
  2. Too technical Nah, you're right... maybe it's just like koko and the "varitech", some old habits are more resilent to dissapear than others... also my english sucks
  3. Nope, I'm using some plastic models for reference but didn't find top or botton views (Only front and side schematics)
  4. I tottaly agree. We need a new word just for this Series.
  5. Listening now! Edit: Can we send audio clips of ourselfs saying "Delta!" for the next SpeakerPodcast?
  6. So is just another of those "Revised-Canon-Director's View-Things... Right?
  7. One of the guys here made the YF-19 too I'm working in the Cat's Eye now.
  8. Uh... the show was called Super Dimension Fortress Macross The protagonists travel in/through another dimension and pops in the convetional space without all the time-dilatation crap. Right?
  9. But the calendar is universal, 2040 is the same year in Earth and Eden... and with the Galaxy Network the exact time can be shared across dimentional space too.
  10. And..... I learned something new today....
  11. It's like a mith... too unreal to be real. Anyway, can't wait for december, it's gonna be a looong wait.
  12. So... Aerial Knights of the Kingdom of Wind Kingdom of Wind ...Wind.... Sara and Shin descendants maybe?
  13. Depende el grupo que se anime a subbearlo... por ejemplo Skulls subbeó el PV de Delta a la hora de haberlo puesto online (Si bueh, eran 2min solamente) Pero hay mucha gente con ganas de colaborar en eso
  14. Fixed (sorta)
  15. Con Frontier nos manejabamos con los RAWS que salian una o dos horas despues de cada episodio (Aunque algunos los veian por Streaming) Despues comentabamos el episodio entre nosotros y siempre alguno que sabia algo mas o menos de japones nos explicaba los dialogos. A las 10 o 12hs (a veces antes) ya estaba el Fansub en ingles. En Español solia tardar uno o dos dias
  16. Only in Arma 2 (Or wait for the Star Citizen Mods)
  17. ¿Y? ¿Que les pareció?
  18. You know... looking at this... I feel more macho than ever..
  19. Text: The Tactical Sound Unit counters SOUNDFORCE IS BACK!
  20. The castle looks old... older than the Space Colonization?
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