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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. This one? http://www.softether.org/ No clue how to configure it lol
  2. A little more than 4 hours to go.... as we say in Argentina: ¿Quien está haciendo el aguante? Greetings to all who are waiting right now!
  3. ¿Y que les pareció el 2do trailer? A mi me subió bastante el hype. ¿Alguien pude confirmar si la emisión del dia 30 va a ser publica? ¿O solo por suscripcion en el canal de bandai?
  4. Chapter 62 EPUB https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyWTJaWlM1OXNzSWs/view?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/62/Chatarra Almost 9 pages of pure dialogue (I know, I know... but what other thing can do a group of teenagers on a picnic?) In Spanish
  5. Sorry to ask if this was already answered but This is a free channel or a Premium one? Can we set up a VPN to watch it from Argentina?
  6. Well, they're developing almost all the tech to make this kind of game, so it's a risky bet. I think they have the talent (And the money) to make the game and release it, but they are going to sacrifice some of the promises made during the original campaign. Planetary landing seamless from space looks nice and a lot of games are implementing right now. But how well this is gonna to translate with hundreds of players? They raised the bar too high, true. Now we wait and see.
  7. 100 Million! And tomorrow they're going to sell 200 capital ships for $2500 each... and they ALWAYS get sould out. Madness...
  8. Nah... it's high quality smoke/vapor/mist. Not gonna happen.
  9. Hahaha great idea but... my English pronunciation is waaaay worse than my witting... this is going to be hilarious
  10. Well... they have earthly names so.... the Alien origin is almost discarded. Right?
  11. Agree, but Is dialogue so important in fanfiction? Almost all the Macross-Robotech fics in Fanfiction.net are full of chat between the protagonist all the time... there are hardly a few action-based fics worth to read there. I know that thing "shipping" is something the readers of fanfiction wants, but when a VF appears in escene and it's only rol it's to be a background for a couple of lovers to argue about a misunderstanding with another girl for 4 chapters in a row it's... bad.
  12. I like the name. Starlight is totally a name a Macross fleet would use. Chapter 62 is gonna be late (A lots of dialog to write) have some unlucky Breetai instead.
  13. OH MY GOD! I Can't believe you! A REAL WATERMELON? Instagram that fruit right now!!!!
  14. The guy want to share his work wit EVERYBODY. Can someone send a good lawyer to gave him some advice?
  15. Amazing interview, I have translated a bit for the Facebook Page and the guys there are going crazy
  16. Damn you Kawamori, you copy my fanfic. I wonder if Var is just a natural ocurrence or is a biological weapon. In my story singing is not only a "cure" or a way to influence the behavior of people, I'm exploring the effects in "Genetic Reprograming" as a permanent effect.
  17. Awesome!
  18. This is just a little video from all the models and places on the island. Still a lot of work to do but this is a general idea about what I'm looking with this project.
  19. Chapter 61 Now with "Emulators" EPUB https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyWTJaWlM1OXNzSWs/view?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/61/Chatarra In Spanish
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